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[Closed] Challenge: Make all Object Names Unique

--create some random boxes
for i = 1 to 100 do
	box name:("TestBox_" + (random 1 20) as string)

--my code for finding matches
theObjs = sort(for o in objects collect
matches = #()
for i = 1 to (theObjs.count - 1) where theObjs[i] == theObjs[i + 1] do appendifunique matches theObjs[i]

--my code for renaming matches
for m in matches do
	for o in objects where == m do = uniquename m

Can anyone see any issues with this, or care to have a go at seeing if they can make it faster/better?

19 Replies

for i = 1 to 100 do
	box name:("TestBox_" + (random 1 20) as string)
for i = 1 to 100 do
	box name:("testbox_" + (random 1 20) as string)

Finding matching names with different cases… a bit more tricky…

for o in aObjs where matchpattern pattern:m ignoreCase:true do = uniqueName m

Unfortunately uniqueName doesn’t have an ‘ignoreCase’ parameter so you still get matches.

if you want just all unique names:

for k=1 to objects.count do objects[k].name = "base_name" + k as string 

if you want to keep ‘base names’ and have only unique indexes:

done = #()
mapped fn  trimObjectID obj = ( = trimright "0123456789")
trimObjectID objects

for obj in objects where finditem done obj == 0 do
	objs = getnodebyname all:on
	for k=1 to objs.count do objs[k].name += k as string
	join done objs 
delete objects
for k=1 to 1000 do dummy name:(bit.intaschar (random 65 70) + (random 1 10) as string))

if you want to increase index for dups:


similar to #2 but don’t trim indexes at the beginning

Ok so practical example…

Get thousands of objects in with some with intelligent name like, “DOOR” or “WINDOW” and then literally thousands called “_shell” so the challenge is to rename the “_shell” without renaming the others.

shells = $'*_shell*'
for k=1 to shells.count do shells[k].name = <somefunctiontosubstitute> (k as string)

Aha but the problem is they aren’t all called “_shell” there are other objects with clashing names, and there are too many for us to find manually…

…and like I said earlier the case can’t be assumed…

#(“_Shell”, “_shell”) we need to make them truly unique.

$’_shell’ ignores case

But that would also get anything called “Test_Shell” which might be unique so we don’t want to rename it to “_Shell_1203” for example.

Again the challenge is to only rename the objects that have duplicates names in the scene, regardless of case.

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