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[Closed] Challenge! and Fun 🙂

20-21 and 26-27 works fine for me. But I see what you mean with other numbers, for example 37-38. With 37 beads the last thread gets 8 and with 38 it gets just 4.

I guess that in order to redistribute the beads, some thread must lose and some must gain to keep it as even as possible. :curious:

That’s what I described earlier, that I have some missing beads and I take or add it to the shortest thread. Idealy I would have to search which thread “deserves” to get one or to take one from it.

try(destroydialog BeadsAndThreads) catch()
global BeadsAndThreadsPos = if BeadsAndThreadsPos == undefined then unsupplied else BeadsAndThreadsPos 
global BeadsAndThreadsParams = if BeadsAndThreadsParams == undefined then #(0,1,20,5,10) else BeadsAndThreadsParams 
rollout BeadsAndThreads "Beads And Threads" width:250
	fn p_sort p1 p2 index:1 = if p1[index] < p2[index] then 1 else if p1[index] > p2[index] then -1 else 0 
	fn mod_f val &int_part = 
			int_part = val as integer
			flt_part = val - int_part
	local xx = BeadsAndThreadsParams
	local threads = #()
	local thread_data = #()
	local all_len
	local min_len

	spinner num_beads_sp "Beads: " type:#integer range:[0,1000000,xx[1]] fieldwidth:56 align:#right offset:[4,8]	
	spinner num_threads_sp "Threads: " type:#integer range:[1,100,xx[2]] fieldwidth:56 align:#right offset:[4,0]

	group "Create: "
		spinner min_radius_sp "Min Radius: " type:#integer range:[1,100,xx[3]] fieldwidth:56 align:#right offset:[4,0]
		spinner bead_radius_sp "Bead Radius: " type:#integer range:[1,100,xx[4]] fieldwidth:56 align:#right offset:[4,0]
		spinner threads_space_sp "Spacing: " type:#integer range:[1,100,xx[5]] fieldwidth:56 align:#right offset:[4,0]
		button create_bt "Create" width:232 align:#center offset:[0,8]
	group ""
		button distribute_bt "Distribute" width:232 align:#center offset:[0,-6]
		button distribute2_bt "Distribute 2" width:232 align:#center offset:[0,6]
	local cc = #(num_beads_sp, num_threads_sp, min_radius_sp, bead_radius_sp, threads_space_sp) 
	fn updateParams = 
		for k=1 to cc.count do xx[k] = cc[k].value
	fn createThreads = 
		delete objects
		all_len = 0
		min_len = 1e9
		num_threads = num_threads_sp.value 
		thread_data = #()
		for i = 1 to num_threads do
			thread = arc name:"thread" radius:(min_radius_sp.value + threads_space_sp.value*(i-1)) from:180 to:0 wirecolor:orange
			rotate thread (eulerangles 90 0 0)
			converttosplineshape thread
			len = curvelength thread --getshapelength thread	
			if len < min_len do min_len = len
			all_len += len	
			append thread_data [gethandlebyanim thread, len, 0, 0]	
		--for i = 1 to num_threads do thread_data[i].y = thread_data[i].y / all_len
	on create_bt pressed do undo "Create" on createThreads()

	fn updateBeads = if thread_data.count == num_threads_sp.value do
		delete (getnodebyname #bead all:on)
		num_beads = num_beads_sp.value
		num_threads = num_threads_sp.value 
		t = timestamp()
		h = heapfree
		count = 0
		if num_beads > 0 do
			qsort thread_data p_sort index:2
			--psort thread_data index:2 dir:-1
			for i = 1 to num_threads while i <= num_beads do 
				thread_data[i].z = 1
				thread_data[i].w = (thread_data[i].y)/(thread_data[i].z + 1)
				count += 1
			beads = num_beads - count
			for k=1 to beads do
				qsort thread_data p_sort index:4
				--psort thread_data index:4 dir:-1
				thread_data[1].z += 1
				thread_data[1].w = (thread_data[1].y)/(thread_data[1].z + 1)				
			count = 0
			for i = 1 to num_threads do 
				thread = getanimbyhandle thread_data[i].x
				seed (finditem (shapes as array) thread) --(getnodeindex shapes thread)
				col = random white black

				num = thread_data[i].z
				for k = 1 to num do
					b = geosphere name:"bead" radius:bead_radius_sp.value segments:2 wirecolor:col
					p = k/(num + 1.0)
					b.pos = interpCurve3D thread 1 p
					count += 1
		format "% >>>>>>>> % - % = time:% heap:%
" num_threads num_beads count (timestamp() - t) (h - heapfree)
	on distribute_bt pressed do updateBeads()
	on BeadsAndThreads close do
		BeadsAndThreadsPos = getdialogpos BeadsAndThreads
	on BeadsAndThreads open do
		threads = getnodebyname #thread all:on

	fn DistributePointsInShapes mShapes numPoints:0 =
		fn SortByLength t1 t2 = t2[2] - t1[2]
		totalLength = 0
		result = for j in mShapes collect
			length = curvelength j
			totalLength += length
			#(j, length)
		qsort result SortByLength
		if numPoints <= result.count then
			result.count = numPoints
			for j in result do j[2] = 1
			numPoints -= result.count
			done = 0
			for j in result do
				amount = int ((j[2] / (totalLength/numPoints)) + 0.5)
				j[2] = amount + 1
				done += amount
			result[1][2] += (numPoints-done)
		return result
	fn DistributePointsAlongShapes &mShapes =
		for j in mShapes do
			mmin = 1.0/(j[2]+1)
			j[2] = for i = 1 to j[2] collect interpCurve3D j[1] 1 (i*mmin)
	on distribute2_bt pressed do 
		st = timestamp() 
		sh = heapfree
		num_beads = num_beads_sp.value
		result = DistributePointsInShapes (shapes as array) numPoints:num_beads
		DistributePointsAlongShapes &result

		count = 0
		for j in result do count += j[2].count
		format "% % >> time:% heap:%
" num_beads count (timestamp()-st) (sh-heapfree)

		delete $bead*
		for j in result do
			for i in j[2] do 
				geosphere pos:i name:"bead" radius:bead_radius_sp.value segments:2 wirecolor:green
				count += 1

	--on num_beads_sp changed val do distribute2_bt.pressed() --updateBeads()
	on num_beads_sp changed val do updateBeads()
createdialog BeadsAndThreads pos:BeadsAndThreadsPos 

this algorithm works absolutely correct (IMHO). but it needs sorting after every bead distribution

3 Replies
Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

I like the results of yours, but the performance is not good if you need 100K beads. There must be an inbetween solution from both algorithms that gives good results and performance.

Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

that’s exactly what i’m looking for the compromise

Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

we don’t need to do full sort… we need to shift first element in the right position in the array. with quick-search for already sorted array it should be quick

Here is a new algorithm. It produces a slightly different pattern than your last algorithm, yet I consider it produces a very good distribution. It could be modified to produce the same pattern as yours, but I am not sure if that is necessary.

Also, an adaptive threshold could be introduced to produce different patterns.

As you can see, it runs in O(n) time and is pretty fast. According to what I could test is between 10 and 100 times faster. Memory usage is a little larger with lower values, but I don’t think it is a big concern.

	fn DistributePointsInShapes splines points:0 =
		fn SortByLength t1 t2 = t2[2] - t1[2]
		d = for j in splines collect 0
		l = for j in splines collect 0
		s = for j in splines collect #(j, curvelength j)
		qsort s SortByLength
		for j = 1 to (amin s.count points) do
			d[j] = 1
			l[j] = s[j][2] / 1.0
		for j = 1 to points-s.count do
			idx = finditem l (amax l)
			d[idx] += 1
			l[idx] = s[idx][2] / d[idx]

		for j = 1 to d.count do
			mmin = 1.0/(d[j]+1)
			s[j][2] = for i = 1 to d[j] collect interpcurve3d s[j][1] 1 (i*mmin)
		return s
	st=timestamp(); sh=heapfree
	result = DistributePointsInShapes (shapes as array) points:100000
	format "time:% heap:%
" (timestamp()-st) (sh-heapfree)

Here are some results against your last algorithm:

10 Threads

1000 Beads >> time:38 vs time:4
10000 Beads >> time:416 vs time:37
100000 Beads >>time:4401 vs time:412

20 Threads

1000 Beads >> time:95 vs time:5
10000 Beads >> time:1016 vs time:38
100000 Beads >> time:10663 vs time:422

50 Threads

1000 Beads >> time:313 vs time:5
10000 Beads >> time:3241 vs time:41
100000 Beads >> time:39898 vs time:460

100 Threads

1000 Beads >> time:694 vs time:6
10000 Beads >> time:7817 vs time:46
100000 Beads >> time:95091 vs time:491

Here is a modified version that produces the exact same result as your last algorithm:

	fn DistributePointsInShapes splines points:0 =
		fn SortByLength t1 t2 = t2[2] - t1[2]
		d = for j in splines collect 0
		l = for j in splines collect 0
		s = for j in splines collect #(j, curvelength j)
		qsort s SortByLength
		for j = 1 to (amin s.count points) do
			d[j] = 2
			l[j] = s[j][2] / 2.0
		for j = 1 to points-s.count do
			idx = finditem l (amax l)
			d[idx] += 1
			l[idx] = s[idx][2] / d[idx]
		for j = 1 to d.count do
			mmin = 1.0/d[j]
			s[j][2] = for i = 1 to d[j]-1 collect interpcurve3d s[j][1] 1 (i*mmin)
		return s

And here is one last version with a variable Threshold.
A value of 1 produces the pattern of your algorithm.

	fn DistributePointsInShapes splines points:0 threshold:1 =
		fn SortByLength t1 t2 = t2[2] - t1[2]
		d = for j in splines collect 0
		l = for j in splines collect 0
		s = for j in splines collect #(j, curvelength j)
		qsort s SortByLength
		for j = 1 to (amin s.count points) do
			d[j] = threshold + 1
			l[j] = s[j][2] / (threshold + 1.0)
		for j = 1 to points-s.count do
			idx = finditem l (amax l)
			d[idx] += 1
			l[idx] = s[idx][2] / d[idx]
		for j = 1 to d.count do
			mmin = 1.0 / (d[j]+(1.0-threshold))
			s[j][2] = for i = 1 to d[j]-threshold collect interpcurve3d s[j][1] 1 (i*mmin)
		return s

your algorithm works very well… i don’t see any problems.


being re-written on my mxs extension it looks like:

	local dtab = floattab()
	local stab = floattab()
	local thread_data = point3tab()

	fn distributeBeads num_beads: =
		if num_beads == unsupplied do num_beads = count
		local num_threads = numsplineshapesplines thread

		t = timestamp()
		h = heapfree
		reset dtab value:0 count:num_threads
		reset stab value:0 count:num_threads
		thread_data.count = num_threads

		for i = 1 to num_threads do
			len = getsplineshapelength thread shape:i
			thread_data[i] = [i, len, 0]	
		sort thread_data index:#z

		for j = 1 to (amin num_threads num_beads) do
			dtab[j] = 1
			stab[j] = thread_data[[j, 2]]
		for j = 1 to num_beads - num_threads do
			x = contains stab stab.max
			dtab[x] = dtab[x] + 1
			stab[x] = thread_data[[x, 2]] / dtab[x]
		for j=1 to dtab.count do thread_data[[j,3]] = dtab[j]
		sort thread_data index:#x
		format "% <<<<<<< % - % = time:% heap:%
" num_threads num_beads count (timestamp() - t) (h - heapfree)

and performs:

100 Threads

100000 Beads >> time:130

good job!

However, I still think an O(n) on the number of Threads (shapes) should be possible, and so it would be a lot faster.

I can’t follow you…
What is finaly your ‘fair’ distribution description?

Surely I’m wrong, but if I had to do a ‘fair’ scatter in a set of splines, I won’t prioritize to give a bead to every thread. My fair distribution should be based on having spline segments as short as possible (as the probability to ‘fall’ in a longer spline is higher).
For example, with three threads of 30m, 9m and 6m, with 4 beads, i’ll put 3 in the first one (7,5m segments) and 1 in the second one (4.5m segments).
5th bead would go to first spline again (5m segments) and 6th bead to third spline (3m segments).

I don’t know if I have explained myself well.

Moreover, it depends on what threads and beads represent:

  • If threads are roads and beads vehicles, I won’t worry about beads dimensions.
  • But if theads represent necklaces and beads are pearls, i’ll substract pearls dimensions to the spline length (in this case, having at least a bead make sense, as a necklace without pearls is a really poor necklace!)

new version! just pure mxs:

fn distributeBeads num_beads:10000 num_threads:100 = 
	fn p_sort p1 p2 index:1 = if p1[index] < p2[index] then 1 else if p1[index] > p2[index] then -1 else 0 
	fn mod_f val &int_part = 
			int_part = val as integer
			flt_part = val - int_part

	seed 0
	all_len = 0

	t = timestamp()
	h = heapfree

	thread_data = for i=1 to num_threads collect 
		len = random 10.0 200.0
		all_len += len 
		[i, len, 0, len]

	qsort thread_data p_sort index:4
	all_beads = 0
	count = amin num_threads num_beads
	new_len = 0
	for k=1 to count do
		num_beads -= 1
		thread_data[k][3] += 1
		thread_data[k][4] -= (thread_data[k][2]/(thread_data[k][3]+1))
		new_len += thread_data[k][4] 
	all_beads += count
	while num_beads > 0 do -- and not keyboard.escpressed 
		count = 0
		all_len = new_len
		new_len = 0
		for i=1 to num_threads do 
			num = thread_data[i][4]/all_len * num_beads + 0.5
			thread_data[i][4] = len = mod_f num &num
			if (num > 0) do
				thread_data[i][3] += num
				thread_data[i][4] -= (thread_data[i][2]/(thread_data[i][3]+1))
				new_len += num 
				count += num 
		if count == 0 then
			qsort thread_data p_sort index:4
			thread_data[1][3] += 1
			thread_data[1][4] -= (thread_data[1][2]/(thread_data[1][3]+1))
			new_len += thread_data[1][4] 
			count = 1
		num_beads -= count
		all_beads += count
	--all_beads = 0
	--for i=1 to num_threads do all_beads += thread_data[i][3]
	format "% >>>>>>>> beads:% -> threads:% = time:% heap:%
" num_beads all_beads num_threads (timestamp() - t) (h - heapfree)
distributeBeads num_beads:100000 num_threads:1000

0 >>>>>>>> beads:100000 – threads:1000 = time:14 heap:286232L

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