Awesome work people. I’m loving the turnout for this one. Here’s my half-baked effort:
strand = 0
strandNum = 6.0
newWeb = #()
fn drawLineBetweenTwoPoints pointA pointB =
ss = SplineShape pos:pointA
addNewSpline ss
addKnot ss 1 #corner #line PointA
addKnot ss 1 #corner #line PointB
updateShape ss
for i = 1.0 to strandNum do
knotPos = ((i/(strandNum+1)) as float)
print knotPos
refineSegment ss 1 i knotPos
updateShape ss
--refineSegment ss 1 i knotPos
updateShape ss
fn drawCircles webStrands =
baseWebs = webStrands.count
for x = 1 to baseWebs do
for i = 1.0 to strandNum do
PointA = getKnotPoint webStrands[x] 1 i
if (x+1) > baseWebs then a = 1 else a = (x+1)
PointB = getKnotPoint webStrands[a] 1 i
ss = SplineShape pos:pointA
addNewSpline ss
addKnot ss 1 #corner #line PointA
addKnot ss 1 #corner #line PointB
updateShape ss
refineSegment ss 1 1 0.5
updateShape ss
for i = 1.0 to strandNum do
PointA = getKnotPoint webStrands[x] 1 i
if (x+1) > baseWebs then a = 1 else a = (x+1)
PointB = getKnotPoint webStrands[a] 1 ((strandNum+1)-i)
ss = SplineShape pos:pointA
addNewSpline ss
addKnot ss 1 #corner #line PointA
addKnot ss 1 #corner #line PointB
updateShape ss
refineSegment ss 1 1 0.5
updateShape ss
tool webLine
local webPoint1
local webPoint2
on mousePoint clickno do
if clickno == 2 then webPoint1 = worldPoint
if clickno == 3 then
webPoint2 = worldPoint
print webPoint1
print webPoint2
strand +=1
newWeb[strand] = drawLineBetweenTwoPoints webPoint1 webPoint2
if clickno == 4 then webPoint1 = worldPoint
if clickno == 5 then
webPoint2 = worldPoint
print webPoint1
print webPoint2
strand +=1
newWeb[strand] = drawLineBetweenTwoPoints webPoint1 webPoint2
drawCircles newWeb
rollout spiderWeb "Spider Web" width:162 height:177
button webBtn "Web" pos:[31,29] width:91 height:30
spinner strandSpn "Strands" pos:[36,108] width:78 height:16 range:[1,100,strandNum]
spinner sagSpn "Sag " pos:[38,84] width:78 height:16 range:[0,100,0]
button createBtn "Create" pos:[35,133] width:83 height:30
on webBtn pressed do
startTool webLine numPoint: 2
on strandSpn changed val do
strandNum = val
on sagSpn changed val do
on createBtn pressed do
createDialog spiderWeb
[li]Press the WEB button.[/li][li]Click in two points where you want to place the web (Use snap to verts for maximum effect)[/li][li]Click in two more points for the cross support[/li][li]The web will generate automatically.[/li][li]If you want to create more webbing that crosses these ones, follow steps 1 – 3 again. The web will automatically link up and cross over the other one. Repeat ad nauseum.[/li][/ol]You’ll see the obvious flaws and errors. I unfortunately didn’t have much time, so they’re still all square.
One day i’ll hopefully finish it. A pretty poor effort on my part.
hey blue,
that’s a great effort! I you’ve gone to all the effort and it looks sensational!
a suggestion?
- maybe you could incorporate a random number (or specified) of divisions on the frame segments.
- also, if you change it to allow multi-spline shapes then you could stretch webs between frames.
Incidently, i’ll leave this one up until next week. I’ll have a new challenge for over the holidays.
Really guys, a damn good effort this time around. It’s so good to see you all motivated!
Hi tea monkey,
yes maabe a little under-done, but I like the way you can continue to build on your web by drawing more start / ends.
good work, maybe you’ll have a little more time to fininsh it.
maybe I’ll have some time to write one myself LOL
The lastest update:
[li]added the ability to pick a line object as well as a splineshape for a custom frame (will only web the first spline)[/li][li]added droop to the radial strands[/li][li]exposed control to more features[/li][li]added water droplets and materials[/li][li]increased segment density for center of web[/li][li]added segment length effect on gravity[/li][li]started work on branching of strands (in the UI but doesn’t do anything yet)[/li][/ul]
-- spiderWebGenerator
-- written by: Blue
-- version 1.5
-- history:
-- Thursday, Dec 07, 2006 - added segment length gravity option
-- - added materials
-- - exposed more functions
-- - refined droop smoothing
-- Wednesday, Dec 06, 2006 - added anchor strand droop
-- - added water drops
-- Tuesday, Dec 05, 2006 - changed framing method to spline
-- - added gaps
-- - added gravity
-- - added UI
-- Monday, Dec 04, 2006 - started development
-- TODO:
-- add branching
global spiderWebROLL
centerNode = undefined
centerPos = [0,0,0]
webBendLow = 0.05
webBendHigh = 0.05
try(DestroyDialog spiderWebROLL)catch()
-- main UI
rollout spiderWebROLL "Blues Spider Web Generator v1.5" width:300 height:345
fn splineFilter obj = classof obj == SplineShape or classof obj == line
fn enableCreatWebButton =
if != undefined then spiderWebROLL.createWeb.enabled = true
catch(spiderWebROLL.createWeb.enabled = false)
button createFrame "Template Web Frame" height:20 width:135 across:3 offset:[6,0]
button frameSwap "<-" height:20 width:20 offset:[1,0]
pickbutton customFrame "Pick Custom Frame" height:20 width:135 offset:[-27,0] filter:splineFilter
label step2Label "Edit the Web Frame to adjust placement of points and" align:#left
label step21Label "add points as needed." align:#left
pickButton webCenter "Overide Center Node - undefined" height:20 width:270 across:2 offset:[10,0]
button resetCenter "X" height:20 width:20 offset:[67,0]
spinner webSegs "Web Segs :" width:80 height:16 range:[4,100,24] type:#integer across:2 align:#left
checkbox webSegsRandom "Random Seg Length" height:15 checked:true align:#left
spinner webThickness "Web Thickness " range:[.001,10.0,0.02] width:80 align:#left
checkbox webbingGapsRandom "Random Gaps" width:92 height:15 checked:true across:2 align:#left
spinner webbingGapsRandomPercent "Gap % " width:80 height:16 range:[0,100,15] align:#left
checkbox webbingBranching "Random Branching" height:15 checked:true across:2 align:#left
spinner webbingBranchingPercent "Branching % " width:100 height:16 range:[0,100,15] align:#left
checkbox webbingBendEnabled "Webbing Bend" width:95 height:15 checked:true across:2 align:#left
checkbox webbingBendRandom "Randomize Bend" width:105 height:15 checked:false align:#left
checkbox webbingGravity "Gravity" width:57 height:15 checked:true across:2 align:#left
spinner webbingGravityStrength "Strength " width:90 height:16 range:[0,1000,5.0] align:#left
checkbox bendConsiderLength "Consider strand segment length for gravity effect" checked:true
spinner webDroopMod "Droop Strength " width:90 height:16 range:[.001,3.0,1.5] across:2 align:#left
spinner webDroopSmooth "Droop Smooth " width:90 height:16 range:[.001,1.0,0.25] align:#left
checkbox webWater "Add water drops" height:15 checked:false across:2 align:#left
radioButtons webWaterType "" labels:#("Spheres","Blobby") default:1 columns:2 align:#left
spinner webWaterCount "Drops " width:80 height:16 range:[1,50000,2000] type:#integer across:2 align:#left
spinner webWaterSize "Drops Size " width:80 height:16 range:[.001,100,.25] align:#left
button createWeb "Create Web From Web Frame" height:40 width:290 offset:[-1,0] enabled:false
timer deleteSplineWeb "" interval:100 active:false
timer branchWebSegments "" interval:100 active:false
timer webWaterTimer "" interval:100 active:false
on createFrame pressed do
webShapeNgon = ngon radius:30 nSides:8 = "Web Frame"
frameSwap.text = "<-"
webShape = webShapeNgon
convertTo webShapeNgon SplineShape
on frameSwap pressed do
if frameSwap.text == "<-" then
frameSwap.text = "->"
webShape = webShapeCustom
frameSwap.text = "<-"
webShape = webShapeNgon
on customFrame picked obj do
webShapeCustom = obj
convertTo obj SplineShape
frameSwap.text = "->"
webShape = webShapeCustom
customFrame.text =
on webCenter picked node do
centerNode = node
webCenter.text = "Overide Center Node - " +
centerPos = centerNode.pos
on resetCenter pressed do
centerNode = undefined
webCenter.text = "Overide Center Node - undefined"
on webbingBendEnabled changed state do
if state == true then
webbingBendRandom.enabled = true
webbingGravity.enabled = true
bendConsiderLength.enabled = true
webbingGravityStrength.enabled = true
webDroopMod.enabled = true
webDroopSmooth.enabled = true
if webbingBendRandom.checked == true then
webBendLow = 0.01
webBendHigh = 0.05
webBendLow = 0.05
webBendHigh = 0.05
webbingBendRandom.enabled = false
webbingGravity.enabled = false
bendConsiderLength.enabled = false
webbingGravityStrength.enabled = false
webDroopMod.enabled = false
webDroopSmooth.enabled = false
webBendLow = 0.0
webBendHigh = 0.0
on webbingBendRandom changed state do
if state == true then
webBendLow = 0.01
webBendHigh = 0.05
webBendLow = 0.05
webBendHigh = 0.05
on deleteSplineWeb tick do
( = false
subobjectlevel = 0
on branchWebSegments tick do
( = false
updateShape webSpline
on webWaterTimer tick do
( = false
webSpline.render_displayRenderMesh = true
addmodifier webSpline (edit_poly())
waterDropParticles = PArray emitter:webSpline formation:0 speed:0 Speed_Variation:0 Birth_Rate:10 Total_Number:(webWaterCount.value) quantityMethod:1 viewPercent:100 Emitter_Start:0f Emitter_Stop:0f Display_Until:100000f life:100001f Life_Variation:0f size:(webWaterSize.value) Size_Variation:25 Growth_Time:0f Fade_Time:0f seed:(random 1 64000) particleType:(webWaterType.state - 1) standardParticle:7 iconSize:10 iconHidden:off pos:webSpline.pos name:"Web Water Droplets"
waterDropParticles.wirecolor = blue
waterDropParticles.material = standardMaterial name:"Web Water Drops" twoSided:on diffuse:(color 55 55 105) ambient:(color 55 55 105) specular:(color 255 255 255) glossiness:55 specularLevel:95 opacityMap:(falloff color1:(color 32 32 32)) reflectionMap:(falloff map2:(falloff map2:(Raytrace ()) type:3))
on createWeb pressed do
if isDeleted webShape != true then
splineDivisions = webSegs.value
knotPositionArray = #()
webMajorWidth = 0
webShape.renderable = false
for i = 1 to (numKnots webShape 1) do
append knotPositionArray (getKnotPoint webShape 1 i)
for i = 1 to knotPositionArray.count do
if i != knotPositionArray.count then
if (distance knotPositionArray[i] knotPositionArray[i+1]) > webMajorWidth then webMajorWidth = (distance knotPositionArray[i] knotPositionArray[i+1])
if (distance knotPositionArray[i] knotPositionArray[1]) > webMajorWidth then webMajorWidth = (distance knotPositionArray[i] knotPositionArray[1])
if centerNode == undefined then
centerPos = [0,0,0]
for i in knotPositionArray do
centerPos += i
centerPos /= knotPositionArray.count
try(centerPos = centerNode.pos)catch()
webSpline = SplineShape name:"Web"
for i = 1 to knotPositionArray.count do
addNewSpline webSpline
addKnot webSpline i #corner #line centerPos
addKnot webSpline i #corner #line knotPositionArray[i]
updateShape webSpline
subdivideSegment webSpline i 1 splineDivisions
subdivideSegment webSpline i 3 3
subdivideSegment webSpline i 2 3
subdivideSegment webSpline i 1 3
subdivideSegment webSpline i 1 3
setKnotType webSpline i (splineDivisions + 14) #corner
setKnotType webSpline i 1 #corner
for j = 2 to (splineDivisions + 13) do
setKnotType webSpline i j #smooth
updateShape webSpline
if webSegsRandom.checked == true then
for i = 1 to knotPositionArray.count do
for j = 2 to (splineDivisions + 13) do
scaledPos = ((getKnotPoint webSpline i j)-(((getKnotPoint webSpline i j) - ((getKnotPoint webSpline i (j-1))))*(random -.5 .5)))
setKnotType webSpline i j #smooth
setKnotPoint webSpline i j scaledPos
updateShape webSpline
if webbingGravity.checked == true and webbingGravity.enabled == true then
gravityStrength = webbingGravityStrength.value * webDroopMod.value
for i = 1 to knotPositionArray.count do
distanceToCenter = distance (getKnotPoint webSpline i (splineDivisions +14)) centerPos
for j = 1 to (splineDivisions +13) do
scalePosLinear = gravityStrength - (gravityStrength * ((distance (getKnotPoint webSpline i j) centerPos) / distanceToCenter))
scalePosExponential = (gravityStrength - (gravityStrength * ((distance (getKnotPoint webSpline i j) centerPos)^gravityStrength / distanceToCenter^gravityStrength)))
scalePos = ((scalePosExponential * (1 - webDroopSmooth.value)) + (webDroopSmooth.value * scalePosLinear))
setKnotPoint webSpline i j ((getKnotPoint webSpline i j) - [0,0,scalePos])
updateShape webSpline
addNewSpline webSpline
webbingSpline = knotPositionArray.count + 1
ringPoint = 2
addKnot webSpline webbingSpline #corner #curve (getKnotPoint webSpline 1 ringPoint)
for i = 2 to (splineDivisions + 13) do
for j = 1 to knotPositionArray.count do
addKnot webSpline webbingSpline #corner #curve (getKnotPoint webSpline j i)
updateShape webSpline
if webbingBendEnabled.checked == true then
for i = (knotPositionArray.count * (splineDivisions + 12)) to 1 by -1 do
subdivideSegment webSpline (knotPositionArray.count + 1) i 1
updateShape webSpline
webArcCount = ((splineDivisions + 12) * (knotPositionArray.count * 2))
for i = 2 to webArcCount by 2 do
setKnotSelection webSpline webbingSpline #(i) keep:true
updateShape webSpline
selectedKnots = getKnotSelection webSpline webbingSpline
for i = 1 to selectedKnots.count do
if bendConsiderLength.checked == true then
bendEffectMod = ((distance (getKnotPoint webSpline webbingSpline (selectedKnots[i]-1)) (getKnotPoint webSpline webbingSpline (selectedKnots[i]+1))) / webMajorWidth)
bendEffectMod = 1
if webbingGravity.checked == true then
scaledPos = ((getKnotPoint webSpline webbingSpline selectedKnots[i])-(((getKnotPoint webSpline webbingSpline selectedKnots[i]) - centerPos)*(random webBendLow webBendHigh)))
scaledPos = (getKnotPoint webSpline webbingSpline selectedKnots[i]) - scaledPos
scaledPos = (getKnotPoint webSpline webbingSpline selectedKnots[i]) - (([0,0,((abs(scaledPos[1]) + abs(scaledPos[2]) + abs(scaledPos[3]))/3)])*webbingGravityStrength.value*bendEffectMod)
scaledPos = ((getKnotPoint webSpline webbingSpline selectedKnots[i])-(((getKnotPoint webSpline webbingSpline selectedKnots[i]) - centerPos)*(random webBendLow webBendHigh)))
setKnotPoint webSpline webbingSpline selectedKnots[i] scaledPos
setKnotType webSpline webbingSpline selectedKnots[i] #smooth
updateShape webSpline
if webbingGapsRandom.checked == true then
for i = (numSegments webSpline webbingSpline) to 2 by -2 do
if (random 0 100.0) < webbingGapsRandomPercent.value then
setSegSelection webSpline webbingSpline #(i,(i-1)) keep:true
updateShape webSpline
max modify mode
select webSpline
subobjectlevel = 2
splineOps.delete webSpline
updateShape webSpline = true
x = 1
if webbingBranching.checked == true then
( = true
webSpline.pivot =
webSpline.render_renderable = true
webSpline.render_thickness = webThickness.value
webSpline.wirecolor = yellow
webSpline.material = standardMaterial name:"Web" diffuse:(color 255 255 235) ambient:(color 255 255 235) specular:(color 255 255 235) glossiness:30 specularLevel:30
if webWater.checked == true then
( = true
x = 1
else enableCreatWebButton()
createdialog spiderWebROLL style:#(#style_minimizebox, #style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_border)
Thanks for the suggestions J
The template frame is just a quick starting point, you can edit in as many points as you want and move them around if you like.[](
Hey Blue,
That’s one hell of a tool for making spider webs. Simply amazing.
Thanks Light, I seem to have become just slightly obsessed with the spider web concept