[Closed] Cast string the function
Obviously, not possible, but what I’m trying to do is find functions with particular names (using getPropNames), and then invoking them. I can do this with execute, but I’d much rather get the functions themselves. Is there anyway to do this?
How about this :
– returns an array of your property names
yourProps = getPropnames yourStruct– code for the functionname searching in yourProps array is missing here
– let’s asume we found our function name at index 3
yourFoundFunc = getproperty yourStruct ( yourProps[3])– now “yourFoundFunc” holds the MAXScriptFunction value and is callable
yourFoundFunc()– problem might be that you still don’t know the expected argument count of that function
You can also use the resulting string from
apropos "yourStruct"
which will also let you see private functions/variables.
The resulting string can be sent to a stringstream for further manual parsing.
I use that to generate an autocompletion file for notepad++ as external editor.
PS: Ok, I read the initial post again and I’m totally out of the initial subject here :). This method is not efficient at all in your case. I let the post anyway because it can be useful to anybody interested in notepad++ and autocompletion