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[Closed] Can you extend a Helper object to create other objects

The help file states

A SimpleObject plug-in must not perform any scene related actions such as creating scene nodes or …

is this the case for the Helper Object ? For example should I be scripting a plugin that extends the Dummy object which also creates extra point helpers in the scene and possibly bones etc as well.

cheers in advance

6 Replies


I believe you are talking about replacing the dummy object with another another, customisable spline object etc. Which eventually became your Spline Control objects (which are great and I use them).

What I’m talking about is slightly different in that I what a one click solution that that lurks as an extended dummy object.

When you create the dummy object it will act as a store for Ca’s and interface, but upon creation will create extra Point objects and Bone systems in the viewport. This happens in the On tool Create section of the script.

Bit like creating a Biped – the dummy will act as the interface and remain persistant etc.
I have it working as a quick demo. In that the dummy creates point helpers which you can move and store their various positions, which can be recalled. I stumbled across the warning in the help file under the SimpleObject section.

I am having no problems so far or error messages but wondered if the warning extends to Dummy objects as well? All seems to be fine but I don’t what to take a road which will utilmately not be a good practise.

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If you have a look at the post I pointed you to it is not scripted spline objects, it is a scritped dummy object. and yes you can create other objects at creation time.

Should be fine with helpers; creation of nodes is actually in one of the examples for a scripted helper. See the “Scripted Plug-In Methods” topic that’s linked from the scripted helper topic. It has an example of a scripted helper that creates another scripted helper, and assigns 3 lights to that helper.

Cheers guys,

Thanks Paul I followed the post but the scripts I believe are taken down now so couldn’t look at them…I assumed ‘wrongly’ that they were the pre-cursor to the Pen Control objects on your site. I shall search for the script on your site when I get a chance and have a look. I’d like to replace the mesh of the dummy with my own so I’m sure that will be useful.

Cheers ZeBoxx2 I have found the script in the Help file which is a really great example.I’ll also post the script I’m working on when I get home so you can look if you are interested.

Basically I want a one click face rig with storeable poses – think I’ve done the ground work with little tests, just have to put it all together…which I’m sure will be a breeze – so no doubt I shall have more questions and problems so thanks for the help.


Maybe a bit late but there’s also the tool clause. It can build anything you want and after completion the tool is gone and the stuff you want is left behind.
There’s a 3point light setup example in the demo scripts.
