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[Closed] Can we set a vert position in Edit ploy modifier?

We can set position to a vert in Editable Poly mode. The script I found from maxscript help is that
polyop.setVert <Poly poly> <vertlist> {<point3 pos> | <point3 pos_array>}

I already used this instruction, it works well. But in a specified situation, I added a Edit Poly modifier above. I cannot find any instruction from maxscript help to direct set a position to a vert when working in Edit Poly mode. Could someone help me to solve the problem?

1 Reply

Finally, I found a answer from searching google. There isn’t any instruction can set a vert position directly. It’s really bad. Ok, the source link is Help me: MaxScript and EditPoly
I posted the right reply here.


polyobj = modpanel.getcurrentobject()
polyobj.setSelection #Vertex #{}
polyobj.Select #Vertex #{1}
polyobj.SetOperation #Transform
polyobj.MoveSelection [0,0,10]