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[Closed] Can't find modifier's gizmo
Aug 08, 2007 1:53 am
This has me mystified, I must be doing something dumb, so if anyone sees what it is, please let me know.
- Create a sphere
Run this code…
for b in selection do
addmodifier b (Uvwmap ())
print b.modifiers[1].gizmo
- Now make 2 spheres, select both, and run the same code. It can’t find the gizmo (Unknown property: “gizmo” in Uvwmap:UVW Mapping). Any idea what’s going on here?
Max 8 BTW.
- Neil
2 Replies
Aug 08, 2007 1:53 am
Just tried in Max8 sp3 and it looks like it is not adding the modifier and/or updating for some reason. However, this seems to work:
for b in selection do
addmodifier b (uvwmap())
validmodifier b uvwmap
print b.modifiers[1].gizmo
Aug 08, 2007 1:53 am
Ok, looks like it’s a max bug then. Thanks for the workaround.
- Neil