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[Closed] Callback for trackbar?
Apr 06, 2009 3:14 pm
Is there a callback that can detect I changed a key selection on the trackbar?
2 Replies
Apr 06, 2009 3:14 pm
not directly – try by adding a trackbar filter callback; would only have to grab the subanim, loop over its keys, check which one – if any – is selected and compare to previously-stored selected key.
in terms of the general callbacks, only #redrawViews seems to get called when you change the key selection in the trackbar… and I’m not even sure why that one gets called
Apr 06, 2009 3:14 pm
Nevermind, found a good enough approach already:
fn testCallbackFilterFunction theAnimatable theParent theSubAnimIndex theGrandParent theNode =
if isKindOf theAnimatable bezier_Float and isKindOf theParent Position_XYZ then
format "%:%:%
" theNode theAnimatable theSubAnimIndex
) --always returns true, means show all keys
fn testCallbackAdditionFunction arg1 arg2 = (true)
theInterface = maxOps.trackbar
theIndex = theInterface.registerFilter testCallbackFilterFunction callbackAdditionFunction "Test Filter" 8 active:true stopTraversal:false
P.s. Missed your post Richard, seems we’re on the same page