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[Closed] Calculating pos to create points

I’ve gone ahead and combined what you had done with what I had.

I’m checking out how you went about doing the math. It’s so simple and i never looked at it that way. Very impressive and super clean. Makes sense now that I’ve checked out what you wrote and messed around with the code.

Next I just need to adjust the alignment of the strands so the first point is outer most point like I mentioned above.

delete objects
columns = 4
columnAngle = 360.0 / columns as float
columnsRadius = (units.decodevalue "12cm")
strands = 1
strandAngle = 360.0 / strands as float
strandsRadius = (units.decodevalue "3cm")

for i = columnAngle to 360 by columnAngle do
	p = point pos:[cos i * columnsRadius, sin i * columnsRadius,0] size:2 wirecolor:(if mod i 90==0 then green else red)
	for i = strandAngle to 360 by strandAngle do	
		point pos:([cos i * strandsRadius, sin i * strandsRadius,0]+p.pos) size:0.5 wirecolor:(if mod i 90==0 then yellow else orange)

here we go

delete objects
columns = 3
columnAngle = 360.0 / columns as float
columnsRadius = (units.decodevalue "12cm")
strands = 3
strandAngle = 360.0 / strands as float
strandsRadius = (units.decodevalue "3cm")


	for c = columnAngle to 360 by columnAngle do
		p = point pos:[cos c * columnsRadius, sin c * columnsRadius,0] size:2 wirecolor:(if mod c 90==0 then green else red)
		for i = strandAngle to 360 by strandAngle do	
			x = (cos (i+c)) * strandsRadius
			y = (sin (i+c)) * strandsRadius
			point pos:([x, y,0]+p.pos) size:0.5 wirecolor:(if mod i 90==0 then yellow else orange)

no solution here, but its fun to make pretty patterns with math

delete objects
dist = 40
mdist = 10
m = 45
for i = m to 360 by m do
	p = sphere pos:[cos i * dist, sin i * dist,0] radius:1 wirecolor:yellow
	for i = m to 360 by m do
		cp = sphere pos:([cos i * mdist, sin i * mdist,0]+p.pos) radius:0.5 wirecolor:yellow
		for i = m to 360 by m do	
			sphere pos:([cos i * mdist/3., sin i * mdist/3.,0]+cp.pos) radius:0.5 wirecolor:yellow
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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Now make it recursive

fn clonePoints node sides depth:1 init:(matrix3 1) radius:10 wirecolor:orange radiusDecay:0.5 scaleDecay:0.7 colorDecay:0.7 = if depth > 0 do
   	tm = transmatrix [radius,0,0]
   	in node for k=0 to sides-1 do
   		n = copy node transform:((rotatez (copy tm) (360./sides*k))*init) wirecolor:wirecolor
   		clonePoints n sides depth:(depth-1) init:(prescale n.transform ([1,1,1]*scaleDecay)) radius:(radius*radiusDecay) wirecolor:(wirecolor*colorDecay) \
   			radiusDecay:radiusDecay scaleDecay:scaleDecay colorDecay:colorDecay
   	delete objects
   	p = point size:2 constantscreensize:off
   	initRadius = 10
   	clonePoints p 5 depth:4 radius:10

I just observe your war. I don’t fight in it.

How can I move an object along a vector created from two points in 3D space. Placing the new object at a starting distance of the second object with an added offset distance of X.

In this example script I want to place the green helper 10 units from the lightblue helper, but in the direction of a vector created between the lightblue/blue helpers.


delete objects

/* Create Corner Points */

startPt = point pos:([random -10 10,random -10 10,random 0 10]) wirecolor:blue size:4
endPt = point pos:([random -30 30,random -30 30,random 0 30]) wirecolor:[0,255,255] size:4

nvec = (normalize startPt.pos)	
d = (distance endPt.pos startPt.pos)
point pos:(nvec*(d)) size:2 wirecolor:green


The end part should be

nvec = normalize (startPt.pos - endPt.pos)
point pos:(endPt.pos + nvec * 10) size:2 wirecolor:green

if I got your description right. There’s a really good chapter in maxscript reference about vectors and how to handle them, normalizing one position only would give you a direction from origin to the position.

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Thank you for your help
I’ll have to find where that is and read up on it as I’m using them more and more.

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