[Closed] Calculating pos to create points
You’ll see in the attached image what I’m after. Currently my script produces what is seen on the left side. The Larger crosshair points are in the correct places. However the smaller points are where I’m having problems. I want to place the smaller points from the center outward. The local rotation of the points themselves doesn’t matter, it’s more so the position that matters. The green shapes are just there to visually display the layout a little easier.
If this doesn’t make sense just let me know and I’ll try to better explain it.
delete objects
columns = 3
columnsRadius = (units.decodevalue "10cm")
strands = 1
strandsRadius = (units.decodevalue "5cm")
height = (units.decodevalue "0.0cm")
columnAngle = 360.0 / columns as float
strandAngle = 360.0 / strands as float
for c = 1 to columns do
col = random black white
calcX = columnsRadius * cos((c-1) * columnAngle)
calcY = columnsRadius * sin((c-1) * columnAngle)
cornerPos = [calcX,calcY,height]
/* Columns */
point pos:cornerPos size:4 wirecolor:col
/* Strands */
for s = 1 to strands do
calcX = strandsRadius * cos((s-1) * strandAngle)
calcY = strandsRadius * sin((s-1) * strandAngle)
StrandPos = [calcX,calcY,height] + cornerPos
point pos:StrandPos size:2 wirecolor:col
On the right track…
Not sure where to place the offset variable
columnPos = [-5,5,0]
centerPos = [0,0,0]
offset = 2 --distance to offset smaller red point
v1 = normalize columnPos
v2 = normalize (centerPos - columnPos)
v3 = (dot v1 v2) * v2 - v1
offsetPos = columnPos + (v3 * (length v1))
point pos:columnPos size:3 wirecolor:yellow
point pos:offsetPos size:2 wirecolor:red
are you not overcomplicating it John? surely you just need to normalize the column position vector and multiply it by the distance (plus an offset)
delete objects
columns = 3
columnsRadius = (units.decodevalue "10cm")
strands = 1
strandsRadius = (units.decodevalue "5cm")
height = (units.decodevalue "0.0cm")
columnAngle = 360.0 / columns as float
strandAngle = 360.0 / strands as float
centerPos = [0,0,0]
for c = 1 to columns do
col = random black white
calcX = columnsRadius * cos((c-1) * columnAngle)
calcY = columnsRadius * sin((c-1) * columnAngle)
cornerPos = [calcX,calcY,height]
/* Columns */
point pos:cornerPos size:4 wirecolor:col
/* Strands */
for s = 1 to strands do
nvec = (normalize cornerPos)
d = (distance centerPos cornerPos)
point pos:(nvec*(d*1.5)) size:2 wirecolor:col
this yields the following :
awww nice.
I was over-complicating it way to much. I need to read up on my vectors again. When I’m away from them for awhile I tend to lose track of them. I appreciate your help and thank you very much for sharing your answer.
I see you are multiplying the d by 1.5.
How do you implement a specific offset such as 2 units rather than a percentage?
/* Strands */
for s = 1 to strands do
nvec = (normalize cornerPos)
d = (distance centerPos cornerPos)
point pos:(nvec*(d*1.5)) size:2 wirecolor:col
I was just doing this… is this correct
d = (distance centerPos cornerPos) + 2
yes, that’s correct. You are multiplying a normalized vector, so the point will be located at the exact distance you specify from the origin, whether that is via a multiplier or an offset. If you made a point and gave it the nvec value as the position, it would be a point along that vector which is exactly 1 unit from the origin.
I thought I would be able to simplify my problem and then apply it to what I as trying to do…seemingly that failed.
Here we are again back to step one. I want the white point to be the out most point from the center and the rest just go as follows in a circular patter.
The image on the left is what I get now. The image on the right is what I’ve after…
delete objects
columns = 4
columnsRadius = (units.decodevalue "12cm")
strands = 6
strandsRadius = (units.decodevalue "3cm")
height = (units.decodevalue "0.0cm")
centerPos = [0,0,0]
columnAngle = 360.0 / columns as float
strandAngle = 360.0 / strands as float
for c = 1 to columns do
calcX = columnsRadius * cos((c-1) * columnAngle)
calcY = columnsRadius * sin((c-1) * columnAngle)
cornerPos = [calcX,calcY,height]
/* Columns */
cPt = point pos:cornerPos size:4 wirecolor:yellow
/* Strands */
for s = 1 to strands do
calcX = strandsRadius * cos((s-1) * strandAngle)
calcY = strandsRadius * sin((s-1) * strandAngle)
strandPos = [calcX,calcY,height]
pt = point pos:strandPos size:2 wirecolor:[255/s,255/s,255]
pt.pos += cPt.pos
I wonder if there is a way that we could calculate some sort of rotation offset to just factor into the cos and sin
calcX = strandsRadius * cos([U]45[/U]+(s-1) * strandAngle)
calcY = strandsRadius * sin([U]45[/U]+(s-1) * strandAngle)
this does the tricks
delete objects
columns = 4
columnsRadius = (units.decodevalue "12cm")
strands = 6
strandsRadius = (units.decodevalue "3cm")
height = (units.decodevalue "0.0cm")
centerPos = [0,0,0]
columnAngle = 360.0 / columns as float
strandAngle = 360.0 / strands as float
for c = 1 to columns do
calcX = columnsRadius * cos((c-1) * columnAngle)
calcY = columnsRadius * sin((c-1) * columnAngle)
cornerPos = [calcX,calcY,height]
/* Columns */
cPt = point pos:cornerPos size:4 wirecolor:yellow
/* Strands */
for s = 1 to strands do
calcX = strandsRadius * cos((columnAngle*(c-1))+(s-1) * strandAngle)
calcY = strandsRadius * sin((columnAngle*(c-1))+(s-1) * strandAngle)
--calcX = strandsRadius * cos((columnAngle*c)+(s-1) * strandAngle)
--calcY = strandsRadius * sin((columnAngle*c)+(s-1) * strandAngle)
strandPos = [calcX,calcY,height]
pt = point pos:strandPos size:2 wirecolor:[255/s,255/s,255]
pt.pos += cPt.pos
i see that the math was not your favorite subject in the school… with the matrix algebra it solves by two lines of code.
Is this the solution that you have in mind
delete objects
fn calcRadialPos num: idx: radius: high: tm:(matrix3 1) dis:#cw =
local ang = 360.0 / num, trg1, trg2
case dis of
(#cw): (trg1 = sin ; trg2 = cos)
(#ccw): (trg1 = cos ; trg2 = sin)
[(radius * trg1((idx-1) * ang)), (radius * trg2((idx-1) * ang)), high*(idx-1)] * tm
bigPointsCount = 8
smallPointsCount = 12
for b in 1 to bigPointsCount do
bigPnt = point cross:off axistripod:on pos:(calcRadialPos num:bigPointsCount idx:b radius:50 high:0) size:5 wirecolor:yellow
for s in 1 to smallPointsCount do
smallPnt = point cross:off axistripod:on pos:(calcRadialPos num:smallPointsCount idx:s radius:10 high:3 tm:(bigPnt.transform) dis:#ccw) size:2 wirecolor:black
here’s an extra snippet for you to mull over –
Since the cosine of an angle is the x projection on a circle with a radius of 1, and the sin the y projection, we can do this :
delete objects
dist = 10
mdist = 1
for i = 45 to 360 by 45 do
p = point pos:[cos i * dist, sin i * dist,0] size:2 wirecolor:(if mod i 90==0 then green else red)
for i = 45 to 360 by 45 do
point pos:([cos i * mdist, sin i * mdist,0]+p.pos) size:0.5 wirecolor:(if mod i 90==0 then yellow else orange)
although in your case, the angle is 90 on the first loop
You’ve condensed the code quite a fair bit haha.
The thing to then add to this is to make the starting point for each sub array of points to be placed as the outter most point.