Just a few more ideas …
A script to run through all objects in a scene and change all sharp corners to make them a little less sharp … eg. by applying chamferEdges (a sharp coner being an edge between two adjecent polygons/faces of a certain angle). … Something of a challange I think (both to locate sharp corners and to make some “clean” modeling changes) and not sure how to do the calculations for this my self, and if at all doable?
A script to model a cob web in a scene. Should take a selection of vertexes and use them as fix points for the web. Different elements to consider: use of renderable splines, gravity/wind, possibility for holes in the web, transfer to the web to a texture map + opacity map also? etc.
A script for laying out pavement tiles of different shapes and patterns, instanced objects of the tiles and placed a little irregular, also maybe adding random filling/sand in between.
I have a suggestion for a script that would be very usefull …
Actually, the discreet guys should add it to the control panel.
When i do architecture, and i use a camera clipping plane in order to avoid a wall or something, if the camera is not perpendicular to the wall, and the space is small, the plane always cuts the wall, or other objects in the space in a strange way …
I´m sure all those who do architecture understand what i mean.
So i do not know if it can be done by scripting, but ROTATING THE CAMERA CLIP PLANE on every axis would be a great thing to have around …
A “Make Something Cool” button! We really need one of those! I’ve heard that in Maya and XSI, there’s like one button you push, and VIOLA~! You have something cool! Kinda like that MR button called, “Make Pretty”
I would dearly love to have a tool to slice or trim Polies using other Polyies as a the cutting edge. even if the polies don’t intersect, the tool would trim on the projected intersection.
A simpler tool would be to align the Slice plane to a normal.
I’m not a scripter and rely heavily on those gifted as such. I wish I had more to give.
I look forward to your ideas/comments.
An electricity/lightning bolt generator, with animatable end points and lots of controls for speed, size, color, forks, etc.
Kind of like this: http://digimation.com/software/asp/product.asp?product_id=257&category_id=1
I can think of a few different ways to do this, so the results should be nicely varied.
I’d like to see someone make a nuclear sub burst out of the water, anyone seen that on down persicope?
Just another idea …
A script to create an animated snowstorm or rain effect in a scene eg. using pflow. Could have settings for intensity, wind direction, wind force / random windbursts.
A script for fun to run through a b/w bitmap and randomly (or in eg. jumps of say 10 pixels on the bitmap) create a geometry object (eg. a box) for each pixel eg. with a height or other setting based on the “blackness” of the given pixel (eg. white resulting in tall boxes and grey in smaller boxes).
A script to create foam on top of waves, eg. combining the wave modifier with pflow, or some other method.
I vote for these kinds of tools as well… maybe something, that simplifies ocean-animation in general, like a plane-mesh with a distance-dependant density, and showing only faces visible in the camera frustrum. And of course something for creating foam, white caps (though that would probably have to be a plug-in, rather than a script) and maybe particle flow splashes. I know, Dreamscape offers these, but I guess it should be possible to script.
Furtermore, I’d like to see some scripts making it easier to create natural environments, like scripts for tree-placement, grass creation and animation, especially keeping an eye on polygon count (so mostly using textured planes).
Have todays Dilbert load as the start up screen. Or just random images from a folder. Easy one I know but it would be fun.