[Closed] CA parameter block question
Oh boy, i hope i can explain this right.
Basically i’m working on a custom spine script that allows you to specify a scale factor for each bone in the spine (something similar to what Jason Schleifer did on his Rigging DVD). My Idea was to create X sliders for each bones scale factor.
in the CA_def i have something like this…
numberOfBones = 5
while numberOfBones > 1 do
numberOfBones -=1
Txt += "slider" +((numberOfBones) as string) +" type:#float ui:(SliderSl" +((numberOfBones) as string)+ ") default:0 animatable:true
…wich gives me in this case 5 sliders, named “slider1, slider2…” and so on.
Now i want to add each slider to a different script controller as target. The problem is, i have no idea how to address these sliders. Depending on the number of bones that was specified, the number of slider are variable.
this code obviously dont work…
for i = 1 to numberOfBones do
Node.modifiers[[#Attribute_Holder]].Ca_def.([u][b]Slider+i[/b][/u]).controller = bezier_float()
ScriptController.AddTarget "VariableName" node.modifiers[#Attribute_Holder].CA_def.([u][b]Slider+i[/b][/u]).controller
…but i hope you get the picture. I m looking for a way to apply sliderX as target.
Node.modifiers[[#Attribute_Holder]].Ca_def.[("Slider" + i as string)].controller = bezier_float()
I tried (“slider”+i as string) before, but without square brackets.
But even with square brackets i get a syntax error.
If SliderX is a subanim of CaDef it should work. Please post your CA code…
sc1 = SpineSeg.value+1
sc2 = SpineSeg.value+1
Txt = "def=attributes Spine_def
Txt += "(
Txt += " parameters SpineParams rollout:SpineScaleR
Txt += " (
while sc1 > 1 do
sc1 -=1
Txt += " Vertebra" +((sc1) as string) +" type:#float ui:(VertebraSp" +((sc1) as string)+ ", VertebraSl" +((sc1) as string)+ ") default:0 animatable:true
Txt += " )
Txt += " rollout SpineScaleR \"Spine Scale Factor\"
Txt += " (
while sc2 > 1 do
sc2 -=1
Txt += " spinner VertebraSp"+((sc2) as string) +"\"Vertebra "+((sc2) as string) +": \" range:[-1,1,0] offset:[0,00]
Txt += " slider VertebraSl"+((sc2) as string) +" range:[-1,1,0] ticks:0
Txt += " )
Txt += ")
Txt += "custAttributes.add Ct_IK_Hip.modifiers[1] def
code = txt as stringstream
execute code
works fine for me
for i = 1 to 4 do print $.spine_def[("vertebra" + i as string)].controller
Though if that’s your entire attribute this will work just as well:
for i = 1 to 4 do print $.spine_def[i].controller
where i is a relevant value depending on how many controls you have per verterbra
hm, i tried both, but i get a
“MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception: – Unknown property: “Spine_def” “
Then what makes you think the problem is with accessing the slider? It’s obviously in accessing the custom attribute definition entirely.
I’m guessing there’s not really an #Attribute_Holder modifier on the object or it doesn’t really contain the CA
but there’s definitely a attributeHolder with a CA on it.
spine_ca = custAttributes.getDef $.modifiers[1].Spine_def
confirms that.
stay tuned lo, i ‘m gonna check something…
ok, this code works. wich is odd because i just copied it out of the original code.
at least i know how to access the attributes, thx lo.
obj = teapot radius:2.0
addmodifier obj (EmptyModifier ())
select obj
Seg = 5
sc2 =Seg+1
Txt = "def=attributes Spine_def
Txt += "(
Txt += " parameters SpineParams rollout:SpineScaleR
Txt += " (
while sc1 > 1 do
sc1 -=1
Txt += " Vertebra" +((sc1) as string) +" type:#float ui:(VertebraSp" +((sc1) as string)+ ", VertebraSl" +((sc1) as string)+ ") default:0 animatable:true
Txt += " )
Txt += " rollout SpineScaleR \"Spine Scale Factor\"
Txt += " (
while sc2 > 1 do
sc2 -=1
Txt += " spinner VertebraSp"+((sc2) as string) +"\"Vertebra "+((sc2) as string) +": \" range:[-1,1,0] offset:[0,00]
Txt += " slider VertebraSl"+((sc2) as string) +" range:[-1,1,0] ticks:0
Txt += " )
Txt += ")
Txt += "custAttributes.add $.modifiers[1] def
code = txt as stringstream
execute code
for i = 1 to 4 do print $.modifiers[1].spine_def[("vertebra" + i as string)]