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[Closed] Button images
Feb 09, 2012 6:15 pm
I made some button image, they work fine in max 2010 but in max 2012 they still work but their colors are like burned out.
is something special about this in max 2012? I saved my .bmp as 16, 24, 32 bits same result, but same files in max 2010 is fine.
any clue?
3 Replies
Feb 09, 2012 6:15 pm
Post example code so we can test on our end using default maps that ship with Max.
Feb 09, 2012 6:15 pm
It’s really basic code like this:
iconsColor = getdir #Scripts + "\\Hibernum\\icons\\Tools_layout_24i.bmp"
iconsMask = getdir #Scripts + "\\Hibernum\\icons\\Tools_layout_24a.bmp"
logo = getdir #Scripts + "\\Hibernum\\icons\\logo.bmp"
rollout nomDialog "nomDialog" width:162 height:300
bitmap bmp1 "Bitmap" pos:[0,10] width:144 height:40 fileName:logo
button attachSel pos:[0,50] width:30 height:30 images:# ( iconsColor, iconsMask, 28,1,1,1,1,true ) toolTip:"Attach Selection"
createDialog nomDialog -- to execute: CTRL + E
and here’s what it looks like:
Even the bitmap logo is looking like that
Feb 09, 2012 6:15 pm
Found the problem,
It was because I use gamma correction. to fix the problem just do:
fileInGamma = 1.0