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[Closed] Bug in freezing?
Mar 18, 2008 10:38 am
I wondered while recording the actions to get to know how objects are un-/frozen in 3dsmax, what the MAXScript-Listener diplayed:
select $Omni06
actionMan.executeAction 0 "40022" -- Edit: Properties
$.showFrozenInGray = on
freeze $
unfreeze objects
select $Omni06
actionMan.executeAction 0 "40022" -- Edit: Properties
$.showFrozenInGray = off
By default, “showFrozenInGray” is checked; is “on” so to say. But after I unchecked it and hit the ‘OK’-button, the listener told me, it would be “on” (see line 3). Do I have to think counter clockwise to understand this?
1 Reply
Mar 18, 2008 10:38 am
it’s just the macro recorder being on crack – older versions of 3ds Max (r5) had the same issue with the “visible to camera” checkbox… the macrorecorder would report ‘on’ when it’s set off, and ‘off’ when it’s set on.
If you assign the value, however, it does get set correctly… i.e.
$.showFrozenInGray = on
‘checks’ that box on correctly.
always double-check macrorecorder output