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[Closed] Brute Force settings via MaxScript

Hi guys!

so ive searched the forum for “brute force” but all threads that came up showed nothing to do with what i wanted

basically I need to control (if possible) the brute force GI settings via maxscript.

I have been able to find most, if not all other settings by using the following code –

showproperties vr

but I cant find anything to do with the Brute Force Gi engine settings, ive attached a photo of the settings i need changing for clarity

I need maxscript for both settings, Bounces and Subdivs

thanks for any and all help!

sorry if this is a dumb question, usually I can figure stuff out on my own but this one has me stumped

5 Replies

Open the Render setup dialog, type this in the maxscript listener and watch the result:

-- Brute Force Subdivs
vr.dmcgi_subdivs = 20
-- Brute Force Bounces
vr.dmcgi_depth = 20

thanks a lot! this is awesome, where did you find this informations? ive been searching for days! unless im just really blind

out of curiosity, do you know what the dm part of dmcgi means? just so i have an understanding.

thanks again!

Also, I was wondering if its possible to get one rollout to talk to another within the same floater. From being unable to find anything on the subject im going to assume it isnt possible?

essentially I wanted a “history” box on its own rollout so it can be hidden. sample code –

	rollout vrayRenderSettings "VRay Render Settings" width:190 height:270 rolledUp:true

		fn Progress = 
			for i = 1 to loading.count do
				sleep 0.1
				SetQualityProgress.value = 100.*i/loading.count
				print (ProgressPrint1 + loading[i])
				progressLabel.text = (ProgressPrint1 + loading[i])
				list_box_item.items = append list_box_item.items (ProgressPrint1 + loading[i])
				list_box_item.selection = list_box_item.items.count

	rollout history "History" width:190 height:270 rolledUp:true
		listbox list_box_item items:#()		

So essentially I wish to get the listbox to be affected by the function in a separate rollout

possible or not? thanks for the help

p.s. merry christmas!

About Brute Force GI – I found which settings you need by testing all properties printed in the listener that contain “subdivs” in their names. Then the next one was for the Depth – also tested. I don’t know what dm and dmcgi means.

About your second question, this should works:

rollout vrayRenderSettings "VRay Render Settings" width:190 height:270 rolledUp:true

		fn Progress = 
			for i = 1 to loading.count do
				sleep 0.1
				SetQualityProgress.value = 100.*i/loading.count
				print (ProgressPrint1 + loading[i])
				progressLabel.text = (ProgressPrint1 + loading[i])
				rol_history.list_box_item.items = append rol_history.list_box_item.items (ProgressPrint1 + loading[i])
				rol_history.list_box_item.selection = rol_history.list_box_item.items.count

	rollout rol_history "History" width:190 height:270 rolledUp:true
		listbox list_box_item items:#()		

When you want to access the controls from another rollout(or sub-rollout) use the rollout definition to specify the control from which rollout to be used. There is a thread in the forum that can explain this better. My english is not very good, so you may not fully understand what I want to say.
For example if ytou have two rollouts:

rollout rol_01 "Name 01"
button btn_X "X"
checkbox chkbox_X "X"
createdialog rol_01

rollout rol_02 "Name 02"
button btn_Y "Y"
checkbox chkbox_Y "Y"
createdialog rol_02

to turn On or off the chkbox_X(rol_01) by pressing the btn_Y(rol_02) you sholud use:

on btn_Y pressed do
		::rol_01.chkbox_X.checked = true -- false

ah this i brilliant, i perfectly understand, your english is fine!

thanks a lot, again!