[Closed] Box extrude direction
Hey, guys!
I have to build an object from several boxes with the help of maxscript and I have a problem.
I need to align a box in a fixed point and modify it ( to change the thickness ) in only one direction.
As you know, 3ds max change the size boxes from middle, in two directions.
It is possible to change a box size in only one direction?
I attached a picture – in top view ( see here ).
Thanks, miauu! You are right, is not about extrude here (was just only in my mind) – i edit the post.
I try your solution, but is not what i want, or maybe I don’t understood what you said.
I don’t want to scale the box, just to change the size direction.
I change the picture too, now maybe is not so confused.
What is shown in the image is not extrude, but is how max changes the box width/length/height.
If you don’t want to convert the box to editable poly/mesh object try with this:
delete $*
b = box width:100 height:100 length:100 isSelected:true
-- set the pivot to the point from where you want to start to "extrude"
b.pivot = b.min
-- this will "extrude" along X, Y and Z
b.scale.x *= 2
b.scale.y *= 3
b.scale.z *= 4
If you are working with Box primitives, then this little script may help you. Be aware that it will align the pivot point to the node.
try (destroyDialog RO_BOX_SIZE) catch()
rollout RO_BOX_SIZE "Change Box Size" width:200 height:104
GroupBox grp1 "Box Size Offset:" pos:[8,8] width:136 height:92
spinner spn_l "Length:" pos:[16,28] width:120 height:16 range:[-1E+010,1E+010,0] scale:0.1 fieldwidth:72
spinner spn_w "Width:" pos:[16,52] width:120 height:16 range:[-1E+010,1E+010,0] scale:0.1 fieldwidth:72
spinner spn_h "Heigth:" pos:[16,76] width:120 height:16 range:[-1E+010,1E+010,0] scale:0.1 fieldwidth:72
label lbl_l "" pos:[150,28] width:44 height:16
label lbl_w "" pos:[150,52] width:44 height:16
label lbl_h "" pos:[150,76] width:44 height:16
local oldwidth
local oldheigth
local oldlength
local oldpos
fn update dir arg = if (classof $ == Box) do (
case dir of
$.width = amax #((abs arg)-oldwidth, oldwidth+arg)
$.objectOffsetPos.x = oldpos.x + arg*0.5
lbl_w.text = $.width as string
$.length = amax #((abs arg)-oldlength, oldlength+arg)
$.objectOffsetPos.y = oldpos.y + arg*0.5
lbl_l.text = $.length as string
$.height = oldheigth+arg
lbl_h.text = $.height as string
fn getParams = (
if (classof $ == Box) then (
AlignPivot $
oldwidth = $.width
oldlength = $.length
oldheigth = $.height
oldpos = $.objectOffsetPos
print "Node is not a Box primitive!"
lbl_w.text = ""
lbl_l.text = ""
lbl_h.text = ""
fn resetSpinners = (
spn_w.value = 0.0
spn_l.value = 0.0
spn_h.value = 0.0
on spn_w buttondown do getParams()
on spn_w buttonup arg do resetSpinners()
on spn_l buttondown do getParams()
on spn_l buttonup arg do resetSpinners()
on spn_h buttondown do getParams()
on spn_h buttonup arg do resetSpinners()
on spn_w entered do (
update 1 spn_w.value
on spn_l entered do (
update 2 spn_l.value
on spn_h entered do (
update 3 spn_h.value
on spn_w changed arg inSpin do if inSpin do update 1 arg
on spn_l changed arg inSpin do if inSpin do update 2 arg
on spn_h changed arg inSpin do if inSpin do update 3 arg
createDialog RO_BOX_SIZE