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[Closed] Boolean for Named Selection Sets?

Is there any special function for boolean between selection sets?

For example, when I subtract the member of selection set A from selection set B.

If there is not a special function, should I use for loop?

3 Replies

you cannot boolean selection sets, or multiple objects in one go.

Attched them together, or use multiple booleans but remember to collapse them between booleans!

BTW you can use



*Create two boxes, create a named sel. set "Boxes"
*Create two spheres, create a named sel. set "Spheres"

Now execute:

    array1 = for o in selectionSets["Boxes"] collect o  --collect into an array
    #($Box:Box01 @ [-31.281609,35.154915,0.000000], $Box:Box02 @ [-71.892082,16.096249,0.000000])
    array2 = for o in selectionSets["Spheres"] collect o --collect into another array
    #($Sphere:Sphere02 @ [18.420509,-42.809757,0.000000], $Sphere:Sphere01 @ [24.022360,2.445007,0.000000])
    join array1 array2 --union!
 #($Box:Box01 @ [-31.281609,35.154915,0.000000], $Box:Box02 @ [-71.892082,16.096249,0.000000], $Sphere:Sphere02 @ [18.420509,-42.809757,0.000000], $Sphere:Sphere01 @ [24.022360,2.445007,0.000000])
    SelectionSets["Union"] = array1 --create a new sel. set
 #($Box:Box01 @ [-31.281609,35.154915,0.000000], $Box:Box02 @ [-71.892082,16.096249,0.000000], $Sphere:Sphere02 @ [18.420509,-42.809757,0.000000], $Sphere:Sphere01 @ [24.022360,2.445007,0.000000])

For Subtraction, go the other way:

 array3 = for o in SelectionSets["Union"] collect o --turn sel.set into array
 #($Box:Box01 @ [-31.281609,35.154915,0.000000], $Box:Box02 @ [-71.892082,16.096249,0.000000], $Sphere:Sphere02 @ [18.420509,-42.809757,0.000000], $Sphere:Sphere01 @ [24.022360,2.445007,0.000000])
 --for every object in "Boxes" which is also in the Union array3, 
 --delete the item from the array3
 for o in SelectionSets["Boxes"] where findItem array3 o > 0 do deleteItem array3 (findItem array3 o)
 SelectionSets["Union"] = array3 --then assign the reduced array3 to the same sel.set
 #($Sphere:Sphere02 @ [18.420509,-42.809757,0.000000], $Sphere:Sphere01 @ [24.022360,2.445007,0.000000])
  SelectionSets["UnionMinusBoxes"] = array3 --or create a new sel.set 
 #($Sphere:Sphere02 @ [18.420509,-42.809757,0.000000], $Sphere:Sphere01 @ [24.022360,2.445007,0.000000])

ooh – I see I’ve mis-understood the question! booleans on the brain.
