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[Closed] Bitmap drawing on modifier
Dec 07, 2011 10:35 pm
If I place this rollout in a attribute modifier, it doesn’t allow me to draw splines , as it does if used as a simple rollout. How can I get it to work as it should?
Here is the code which simply places the rollout on a modifier…
delete objects
ctrlcentre = circle radius:5
addmodifier ctrlcentre (EmptyModifier ())
attdef = attributes bitmaptest
rollout bitmapTest "Bitmap test 9"
-- Local Variable Declerations
local dim = 200
local knotRad = 2.4
local bgMap
local mousePressed = false
local lastKnotInd = [0,0]
local bgColor = white
local knotColor = red
local knotVecColor = green
local lineColor = blue
local knotsArr = #()
local jsPos = [0,0]
-- User Interface
bitmap bmGraph "" width:dim height:dim
radioButtons rbMode "" labels:#("Draw","Edit") align:#center
radioButtons rbBezierMode "" labels:#("Bezier","Bezier Corner") align:#center
checkBox cbHideKnots "Hide Knots" align:#center
spinner spSteps "Steps:" range:[1,20,6] type:#integer align:#center fieldWidth:30
button bnClear "Clear" width:100
-- Functions
fn createBGMap =
bgMap = bitmap bmGraph.width bmGraph.height color:bgColor
fn round val =
if val - (floor val) < 0.5 then floor val else ceil val
fn lineLineIntersect pA pB pC pD =
pA = [pA.x,pA.y,0]
pB = [pB.x,pB.y,0]
pC = [pC.x,pC.y,0]
pD = [pD.x,pD.y,0]
local a = pB - pA
local b = pD - pC
local c = pC - pA
local cross1 = cross a b
local cross2 = cross c b
local n = pA + (a * ((dot cross2 cross1) / ((length cross1) ^ 2)))
fn getSteps p1 p2 =
struct s_neighbor (
local neighborsPos = #([-1,-1],[0,-1],[1,-1],[-1,0],[1,0],[-1,1],[0,1],[1,1])
local neighbors = #()
for p in neighborsPos do (
local newNeighbor = s_neighbor p (distance p2 (p1 + p))
append neighbors newNeighbor
fn sortFn v1 v2 =
if v1.dist > v2.dist then 1
else if v1.dist < v2.dist then -1
else 0
qsort neighbors sortFn
fn getStep p1 p2 pt steps =
local crossPt = lineLineIntersect p1 p2 (pt + steps[1]) (pt + steps[2])
local dist1 = distance crossPt (pt + steps[1])
if dist1 < 0.5 then (
pt + steps[1]
) else (
pt + steps[2]
fn drawDot pos rad bMap color =
for y = 0 to dim - 1 where y >= pos.y - rad and y <= pos.y + rad do (
for x = 0 to dim - 1 where distance pos [x,y] <= rad do (
setPixels bMap [x,y] #(color)
fn drawEdge p1 p2 color bMap =
local newPt = p1
local steps = getSteps p1 p2
local cnt = 0
setPixels bMap newPt #(color)
while newPt != p2 and cnt < dim * 2 do (
newPt = getStep p1 p2 newPt steps
setPixels bMap newPt #(color)
cnt += 1
fn drawKnots bmap =
if not cbHideKnots.state and knotsArr.count > 0 then (
for k = 1 to knotsArr.count do (
drawDot knotsArr[k][1] knotRad bmap knotVecColor
drawDot knotsArr[k][2] knotRad bmap knotColor
drawDot knotsArr[k][3] knotRad bmap knotVecColor
if mousePressed and rbMode.state == 2 then (
drawDot knotsArr[lastKnotInd.x][lastKnotInd.y] (knotRad * 1.5) bmap orange
fn updateGraph =
local newMap = copy bgMap
if knotsArr.count > 0 then (
for k = 1 to knotsArr.count do (
if knotsArr.count > 1 and k < knotsArr.count then (
local P0 = knotsArr[k][2]
local P1 = knotsArr[k][3]
local P2 = knotsArr[k + 1][1]
local P3 = knotsArr[k + 1][2]
local Pt0 = P0
for t = 0.0 to 1.0 by 1.0 / spSteps.value do (
local Pt = (1-t) ^ 3 * P0 + 3 * (1-t) ^ 2 * t * P1 + 3 * (1-t) * t ^ 2 * P2 + t ^ 3 * P3
Pt = [round Pt.x,round Pt.y]
newMap = drawEdge Pt0 Pt lineColor newMap
Pt0 = Pt
if not cbHideKnots.state then (
newMap = drawEdge knotsArr[k][1] knotsArr[k][2] knotVecColor newMap
newMap = drawEdge knotsArr[k][2] knotsArr[k][3] knotVecColor newMap
newMap = drawKnots newMap
bmGraph.bitmap = newMap
) -- end updateGraph fn
fn mPressed pos =
mousePressed = true
if rbMode.state == 1 then (
local newKnot = #()
append newKnot (pos - bmGraph.pos - [10,0])
append newKnot (pos - bmGraph.pos)
append newKnot (pos - bmGraph.pos + [10,0])
append knotsArr newKnot
) else (
if knotsArr.count > 0 then (
local lastDist = dim * 2
for k = 1 to knotsArr.count do (
for i = 1 to 3 do (
local newDist = distance (pos - bmGraph.pos) knotsArr[k][i]
if newDist < lastDist then (
lastDist = newDist
lastKnotInd = [k,i]
fn updateJS pos =
if mousePressed do (
jsPos = pos - bmGraph.pos
if rbMode.state == 1 then (
knotsArr[knotsArr.count][2] = jsPos
knotsArr[knotsArr.count][1] = jsPos - [10,0]
knotsArr[knotsArr.count][3] = jsPos + [10,0]
) else (
if lastKnotInd.y == 2 then (
local oldPos = knotsArr[lastKnotInd.x][lastKnotInd.y]
knotsArr[lastKnotInd.x][1] += jsPos - oldPos
knotsArr[lastKnotInd.x][3] += jsPos - oldPos
) else (
if rbBezierMode.state == 1 then (
local otherHandleIndex = 4 - lastKnotInd.y
local otherHandleDist = distance knotsArr[lastKnotInd.x][2] knotsArr[lastKnotInd.x][otherHandleIndex]
local dir = normalize (jsPos - knotsArr[lastKnotInd.x][2])
local otherHandlePos = knotsArr[lastKnotInd.x][2] - dir * otherHandleDist
knotsArr[lastKnotInd.x][otherHandleIndex] = [round otherHandlePos.x,round otherHandlePos.y]
knotsArr[lastKnotInd.x][lastKnotInd.y] = jsPos
fn clearVP =
knotsArr = #()
rbMode.state = 1
fn openDialog =
createDialog bitmapTest width:(dim + 10) style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_border, #style_sysmenu,#style_resizing)
fn init =
fn done =
-- cleanup code
gc light:true
-- Event Handlers
on bitmapTest lbuttondown pos do mPressed pos
on bitmapTest lbuttonup pos do mousePressed = false
on bitmapTest mousemove pos do updateJS pos
on bnClear pressed do clearVP()
on cbHideKnots changed state do updateGraph()
on spSteps changed val do updateGraph()
on bitmapTest open do init()
on bitmapTest close do done()
) -- end of rollout
custAttributes.add ctrlcentre.modifiers[1] attdef
Thank you for your time.
2 Replies
Dec 07, 2011 10:35 pm
The script uses the event handlers of a dialog that doesn’t exist in an attribute holder.
You could go around this in a couple of ways, for instance:
- Convert the bitmap into an imagetag and use the imagetag event handlers. The downside of this approach is flickers.
- You could add a transparent imagetag above the bitmap and do the same as option 1 without the flickers.
- You could add a button to the attribute holder that opens a small dialog with the bitmap at the current location of the mouse.
- You could use a dotnet controller instead.
Dec 07, 2011 10:35 pm
Thnx. So a dot net controller would get around all the problems? Could it appear as part of CA modifier?