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[Closed] Biped joint info access??

Hi all
is there any way we can access the biped joint info?(like planner or revolute and the exact degree rotations) i want to use that info into my own ragdoll i am making using some other plugin. so that when i export it to my game engine it will use those joint info provided by biped(as they are pretty accurate:p).


1 Reply

I’m not very clear on what you need, but maybe this will help:

Go through “Biped Node Heirarchy” in the maxscript reference, You can access any biped joint using the part name/ID and link number.
eg, for a biped named Bip01 :
theLCalf = biped.getNode $Bip01 5 link:2
theLCalf = biped.getNode $Bip01 #lleg link:2

Also, “Biped Transform Methods ” in the reference shows you exactly how to retreive as well as set transforms for any biped joint.