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[Closed] Biped COM linked and setTransform
Jul 21, 2008 8:35 pm
When a biped is linked to other object (ctdmaster here), this code doesn’t work.
If I move the parent, and run this code after that, the biped return to previous position.
bipobj = $Bip01
ctdmaster = $ctdmaster
bipTM = bipobj.transform
bipobj.parent = ctdmaster
biped.setTransform bipobj #pos bipTM.translationpart true
biped.setTransform bipobj #rotation bipTM.rotationpart true
biped.setTransform bipobj #scale bipTM.scalepart true
Just repeating the setTransform sentence and everything goes right:
bipobj = $Bip01
ctdmaster = $ctdmaster
bipTM = bipobj.transform
bipobj.parent = ctdmaster
biped.setTransform bipobj #pos bipTM.translationpart true
biped.setTransform bipobj #rotation bipTM.rotationpart true
biped.setTransform bipobj #scale bipTM.scalepart true
biped.setTransform bipobj #pos bipTM.translationpart true
Please tell me why and it there is a better way to do it.
1 Reply
Jul 21, 2008 8:35 pm
sorry, it doesn’t work ;-(
What I need is that the biped stay in place when relinked.