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[Closed] Billboard generator

I’m setting up detail levels for a game and I have a bunch of trees (cross objects) from which I need to create single planes (quads) for billboarding. So, for each tree:

1.Create a new single plane object in its position with the same width and height (the single planes need to be parallel to the x-axis for billboarding to work in game)
2.Assign material from tree object to the new single plane object.

Seems like a simple enough task, but I’m having a hard time figuring out how to get the length and width from the cross object trees. Can anyone help?

3 Replies

You can use the bounding box of the object or a selection for that kind of task.

Kind Regards,

.min and .max properties return point3 values. You can sub tract min from max to get a single dimension.

$Teapot01.max.x – $Teapot01.min.x

Thanks, that worked.