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[Closed] Best way to animate visibility of multiple objects with radiobuttons?


one is a visibility for render, another is a visibility for view.

I want visibility for view. Lights and helper objects don’t render in the viewport anyway.

i would do something like:

RadioVisAttr = attributes RadioVisAttr attribID:#(1010101,2020202)
	parameters params 
		vis_id type:#integer default:1 animatable:on

delete objects

b1 = box name:#b1 pos:[0,0,0] wirecolor:green
b2 = box name:#b2 pos:[40,0,0] wirecolor:orange
b3 = box name:#b3 pos:[80,0,0] wirecolor:yellow

bb = #(b1, b2, b3)

attr = createinstance RadioVisAttr
for k=1 to bb.count do
	b = bb[k]
	s = b.visibility = float_script()
	b.visibility.controller = s
	s.addconstant "id" k
	s.addobject "ca" attr
	s.setexpression "if ca.vis_id == id then 1 else 0"

ss = attr.vis_id.controller = float_script()
ss.setexpression "s"

instead of float_script you can use just float controller with radiobuttons control

If I understand, DenisT, this code is just for shaded viewport. I’m not sure that’s what @Malkalypse is looking for.

There’s a line in your code I can’t understand: s = b.visibility = float_script()

ClassOf b.visibility is ‘BooleanClass’
ClassOf Float_Script is ‘FloatController’

How does that work?

the first attempt to assign any controller to visibility is always assigns bezier_float. so at the next line i re-assign float_script

i’ve posted my code before i read the answer…
my code is a solution for render case

here is a modification for a view case:

RadioVisAttr = attributes RadioVisAttr attribID:#(1010101,2020202)
	parameters params 
		vis_id type:#integer default:1 animatable:on

delete objects

b1 = box name:#b1 pos:[0,0,0] wirecolor:green
b2 = box name:#b2 pos:[40,0,0] wirecolor:orange
b3 = box name:#b3 pos:[80,0,0] wirecolor:yellow

bb = #(b1, b2, b3)

attr = createinstance RadioVisAttr
for k=1 to bb.count do
	b = bb[k]
	s = b.visibility = float_script()
	b.visibility.controller = s
	s.addconstant "id" k
	s.addobject "ca" attr
	s.setexpression "(refs.dependentnodes this).ishidden = (ca.vis_id != id); 1"

ss = attr.vis_id.controller = float_script()
ss.setexpression "s"

Hey Denis,

That’s definitely very interesting but Andres is right, it’s not what I’m looking for. It’s not the visibility track I am trying to change, it’s the .isHidden state.

see the post above

here is a radiobuttons controlled version:

RadioVisAttr = attributes RadioVisAttr attribID:#(1010101,2020202)
	parameters params rollout:params
		vis_id type:#integer default:1 animatable:on ui:ui_vis_id
		on vis_id set val do 
			for node in (refs.dependentnodes this) do 
				node.visibility.controller.setexpression (node.visibility.controller.getexpression())
	rollout params "Radio Vis"
		radiobuttons ui_vis_id "Vis ID:" labels:#("1","2","3") columns:3

delete objects

b1 = box name:#b1 pos:[0,0,0] wirecolor:green
b2 = box name:#b2 pos:[40,0,0] wirecolor:orange
b3 = box name:#b3 pos:[80,0,0] wirecolor:yellow

bb = #(b1, b2, b3)

attr = createinstance RadioVisAttr
for k=1 to bb.count do
	b = bb[k]
	append b.baseobject.custattributes attr
	s = b.visibility = float_script()
	b.visibility.controller = s
	s.addconstant "id" k
	s.addobject "ca" attr
	s.setexpression "print id; (refs.dependentnodes this).ishidden = (ca.vis_id != id); 1"
select b1
max modify mode

Impressive. You really do whatever you want with 3ds Max. :applause:

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