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[Closed] Best way to Draw Boxes in Rollout?
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Mar 20, 2008 2:02 am
Well here is what I have now. Still just using scene cubes as a quick and dirty way to drive the BoxShapes array. It’ll be replaced with more specialized code in my script but this is a nice and easy interface method.
Now I threw in an ‘FPS’ o meter to check how fast the bitmap code was executing and it’s only dropping on my system to 60fps when I’m guessing some kind of gc is occuring. But it’s only seeming to redraw when the mouse stops moving. How do I make it update while the mouse is moving?
try(destroyDialog BoxDrawing)Catch()
global BoxDrawing,BoxShapes
selectionchangedvar = 0
fn boxzsort_ASC v1 v2 =
if v1.z < v2.z then (d = -1) else if v1.z > v2.z then (d = 1) else (d = 0)
case of
(d < 0.): -1
(d > 0.): 1
default: 0
fn getboxes =
ReturnArray = #()
struct BoxShape (pos,width,height,border,bordercolor,bgcolor,active,fg,nhandle,obj,z)
local Boxobjects = for o in objects collect o
for o in BoxObjects do
append ReturnArray (BoxShape pos:[(o.min.x + (255/2))as integer,(o.max.y*(-1) + (255/2)) as integer] width:((o.max.x-o.min.x) as integer) height:((o.max.y - o.min.y) as integer) border:1 bordercolor:black bgcolor:white active:0 fg:0 nhandle:o.inode.handle obj:o z:(o.max.z))
qsort returnarray boxzsort_ASC
return ReturnArray
fn updatepos boxarray =
for o in boxarray do
o.pos = [(o.obj.min.x + (255/2))as integer,(o.obj.max.y*(-1) + (255/2)) as integer]
qsort boxarray boxzsort_ASC
return boxarray
fn updateFGStatus boxarray =
s = selection as array
for o in boxarray do
if (finditem s o.obj) != 0 then
o.fg = 1
o.fg = 0
return boxarray
BoxShapes = getboxes()
local bitmapX = bitmapY = 255
local WhiteBitmap = (bitmap bitmapx Bitmapy color:white)
local BlankBitmap = (bitmap bitmapx bitmapy color:(color 0 0 0 0))
local BackgroundBitmap = (bitmap bitmapX bitmapY color:white)
local MidgroundBitmap = (bitmap bitmapx bitmapy color:(color 0 0 0 0))
local ForegroundBitmap = (bitmap bitmapx bitmapy color:(Color 0 0 0 0))
rollout BoxDrawing "DrawingBox"
BITMAP Canvas pos:[10,10] width: bitmapX height: bitmapY bitmap:WhiteBitmap
timer clock "maxscriptdemoclock" interval:17
label fpsLabel "FPS:" pos:[10,BitmapY +20]
label fpsNumber "0" pos:[45,BitmapY +20]
fn drawbox canvas: pos: width: height: border:1 bordercolor:black bgcolor:white =
rightcrop = (canvas.width-pos.x-width)
if rightcrop > 0 do (rightcrop = 0)
if pos.x < 0 then (leftoffset = abs(pos.x)+1; pos.x = 0) else (leftoffset = 1)
local theBorderLine = for i = leftoffset to (width+rightcrop) collect bordercolor
local theBodyLine = for i = leftoffset to (width+rightcrop) collect bgcolor
for i = 1 to border do
if i >= leftoffset and width > rightcrop do
theBodyLine[i] = bordercolor
if (i-1) <= rightcrop and leftoffset < width do
theBodyLine[width+2-i-leftoffset] = bordercolor
for y = border to height-border-1 do
setPixels canvas [pos.x,pos.y+y] theBodyLine
for y = 0 to border-1 do
setPixels canvas [pos.x,pos.y+y] theBorderLine
setPixels canvas [pos.x,pos.y+height-1-y] theBorderLine
fn CompositeCanvas bgcanvas fgcanvas =
pasteBitmap fgcanvas bgcanvas (box2 0 0 fgcanvas.width fgcanvas.height) [0,0] type:#blend
fn drawbg shapearray canvas =
for b in shapearray do
if b.fg == 0 then
drawbox canvas:canvas pos:b.pos width:b.width height:b.height bgcolor:red bordercolor:black
fn drawfg shapearray canvas =
for b in shapearray do
if b.fg == 1 then
drawbox canvas:canvas pos:b.pos width:b.width height:b.height bgcolor:blue bordercolor:green
fn updateFG =
BoxShapes = updatepos BoxShapes
copy BlankBitmap ForegroundBitmap
drawfg boxshapes foregroundBitmap
copy BackgroundBitmap MidgroundBitmap
compositeCanvas MidgroundBitmap ForegroundBitmap
Canvas.bitmap = MidGroundBitmap
fn updateBG =
BoxShapes = updatepos BoxShapes
copy WhiteBitmap BackgroundBitmap
drawbg boxshapes BackgroundBitmap
on clock tick do
startfps = timestamp()
if selectionchangedvar == 1 do
selectionchangedvar = 0
gc light:true
endfps = timestamp()
dif = ((endfps-startfps)+1)
fpsNumber.text = ((1000/dif) as string)
print $.center
on BoxDrawing open do
updateFGStatus boxshapes
callbacks.addscript #selectionsetchanged "BoxShapes = getboxes(); updateFGStatus boxshapes; selectionchangedvar = 1;" id:#FGChangeCallback
on BoxDrawing close do
callbacks.removescripts #selectionsetchanged id:#FGChangeCallback
createDialog BoxDrawing (bitmapX+22) (bitmapY+45)
Edit: Oh it is rendering fine… it’s a limitation of the $.pos call. I guess $.pos doesn’t get updated in RT very well. So it’s not in the render code but just a limitation of the temporary “use scene objects as interface drivers”.
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