[Closed] Basic animation problem
I am trying to animate a box changing color, I thought this would be straight forward but for some reason I cant get it to work?!
Heres what I thought would do it:
animate on
at time 0 ($box01.wirecolor = color 255 255 255)
at time 100 ($box01.wirecolor = color 0 0 0 )
What happens when this is executed the box instantly changes to color 0 0 0, can somebody please point out the rookie mistake i am making here!
Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I think that the problem is that you can’t animate the wirecolor, if you want to animate the color apply a standard material and animate the diffuse color of that material.
b = box()
b.material = StandardMaterial()
animate on
at time 0 ($box01.material.diffuse = color 255 255 255)
at time 100 ($box01.material.diffuse = color 0 0 0 )
mmm i might have a problem then! At the moment i have lots of boxes in a scene with a few custom attributes, the custom attribute values of each box are determined the boxes relationship to other boxes in the scene, ie distance, size…
So I want the box’s colour to be defined by its custom attributes values A B C:
at time x ($box01.wirecolor = color A B C)
The problem is that i would like to have hundreds of boxes in the scene, can i still apply a material to each box or is there a maximum number of materials you can have in one scene?
You can have an umlimited number of materials in your scene.
Another (more efficient ?) way is to change the vertexcolor of the object and use one material and a vextexColro map.