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[Closed] Base64 encoding/decoding
Mar 16, 2011 10:40 am
I’m playing around with encoding/decoding strings, which is a great way to scramble text and/or reconstruct sanitized strings coming from webforms.
This is a slightly modified function I’ve taken from this thread:
fn base64encode str=
dncConvert = dotNetClass "System.Convert"
dnoUTF8 = dotNetObject "System.Text.UTF8Encoding"
dnvStringIn = dotNetObject "System.String" str
dnvByteArrayIn = dnoUTF8.getBytes dnvStringIn
dnvB64String = dncConvert.ToBase64String dnvByteArrayIn
fn base64decode str=
dncConvert = dotNetClass "System.Convert"
dnoUTF8 = dotNetObject "System.Text.UTF8Encoding"
dnvByteArrayOut = dncConvert.FromBase64String str
dnvStringOut = dnoUTF8.getString dnvByteArrayOut
encodedString=base64encode "This is a test. Umlauts: äüöÄÖÜß"
print encodedString --result: "VGhpcyBpcyBhIHRlc3QuIFVtbGF1dHM6IMOkw7zDtsOEw5bDnMOf"
decodedString=base64decode "VGhpcyBpcyBhIHRlc3QuIFVtbGF1dHM6IMOkw7zDtsOEw5bDnMOf"
print decodedString --result: "This is a test. Umlauts: äüöÄÖÜß"
--string encoded with php, includes chinese characters
decodedString=base64decode "5rGJ6K+tL+a8ouiqng=="
print decodedString --result: ""
Basic encoding/decoding works 100%, including umlauts.
One thing that doesn’t work, when characters are used that are not supported in the maxscript editor, then the decoding function always returns an empty string.
This is not nice. In my example I’ve used chinese characters, encoded with a php script.
I’d appreciate any suggestions how to improve this.