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[Closed] Bake bitmap on vertex color


I try to transfer the color of an external bitmap on the vertex color channel of a mesh.
I’m near the solution but I have a bug I cannot fix by myself. When the plane that I use for the sample has not the same number of length and width segments, the result is offset.

Here is my code:

	fn GetArrayOfMapVerts2VertsMESH node channel &mapVerts2Verts =
		mapVerts2Verts = #()
		local fnGetMapface = meshOp.getMapFace	-- cache function for faster execution
		local numMapFaces = meshOp.getNumMapFaces node channel
		for f = 1 to numMapFaces do
			local mapFace = fnGetMapface node channel f
			mapFace = #(mapFace.x as integer,mapFace.y as integer,mapFace.z as integer)
			local meshFace = getFace node f
			meshFace = #(meshFace.x as integer,meshFace.y as integer,meshFace.z as integer)
			for mv=1 to mapFace.count do
				local mapVert = mapFace[mv]
				if mapVerts2Verts[mapVert] == undefined		then mapVerts2Verts[mapVert] = #(meshFace[mv])
															else appendifunique mapVerts2Verts[mapVert] meshFace[mv]
		while (mapVerts2Verts[1] == undefined) do	deleteItem mapVerts2Verts 1		-- clean starting undefined items

	function BakeTextureOnVertexColor texFilename node channel =
		if ( node == undefined ) do return false
		local b = openBitmap texFilename
		if (b == undefined) do return false
		local texWidth = b.width
		local texHeight = b.height
		-- display b
		with undo off
				local mesh = convertToMesh node
				-- get colors from bitmap
				local mapVerts2Verts = #()
				GetArrayOfMapVerts2VertsMESH node 1 &mapVerts2Verts
				local uvPositions = #()
				local vertexColors = #()
				local fnGetMapVert = meshop.getMapVert	-- cache function for faster execution
				for i=1 to mapVerts2Verts.count do
					local uvpos = fnGetMapVert node channel i
					local texPixelCoords =	point2 (floor (uvpos[1]*(texWidth-1))) (floor (uvpos[2]*(texHeight-1)))
					append vertexColors ( if (texPixelCoords != undefined) then ((getPixels b texPixelCoords 1)[1]) else undefined )
				-- set vertex colors
				setNumCPVVerts mesh mesh.numverts
				defaultVCFaces mesh
				for i=1 to mapVerts2Verts.count do
					for v in mapVerts2Verts[i] do	if (vertexColors[i]!=undefined) do setVertColor mesh v vertexColors[i]
					-- progressUpdate ((i/mapVerts2Verts.count) * 0.5 + 0.5)
			catch ( print (getCurrentException()) )
			convertToPoly mesh
		close b
		free b
	delete objects
	local obj = convertToMesh (plane width:100 length:100 widthsegs:100 lengthsegs:10)
	obj.showVertexColors = on
	BakeTextureOnVertexColor @"C:\Users\xxxxxx\Desktop	mp.jpg" obj 1

If you change te yellow parts, you will see the bug.
Many thanks for any help on this.

PS: the function GetArrayOfMapVerts2VertsMESH comes from this post. I slighlty modified it because I had useless undefined values at the beginning of the resulting array.

1 Reply

I found the bug.
Actually when you write this line…

plane width:100 length:100 widthsegs:100 lengthsegs:10

… the mesh does NOT update the uvs according the number of length and width segments. UVs are like if there was only 2 segments.
Adding a UVW_Unwrap() modifier then collapsing the stack update the UVS as they are expected to be.