[Closed] BackgroundWorker
Hi there
I made a post about the pause of a spinner while increasing a global value and i taught that the dotNet “System.Timers.Timer” was the answer for this problem , but lo said that it is not possible.
Now my question is , can dotNet BackgroundWorker be an answer for the question ? or using the another thread ?
Here in the example below i have a global value ” posval ” and a spinner which changes the posval value and i have a simple function which will repeat in each timer ticks ,
Now i like to know is it possible to put the increasing or decreasing posval in a thread or BackgroundWorker and the fuction on another thread and solve the pause problem ?
here it is the very simple snip and what am i looking for:
rollout test_ "***"
global posval = 0
fn create_Box = ( box pos:[posval,0,0] )
timer clock active:off interval:10
spinner pos_sp "Bx_pos" range:[-1000,1000,0]
checkbutton 'Goo' "GO" width:50 height:48 highlightColor:(color 255 85 85) align:#left
on pos_sp changed val do ( posval = val )
on Goo changed state do
if state == on then (clock.active = true )
else (clock.active = false)
on clock tick do ( create_Box() )
CreateDialog test_ 100 80
Thanks in advance
It’s crashing because you’re trying to rotate an object from a background thread which is a big nono in 3dsmax.
There’s nothing to add here.
Sorry if the question looks silly,I don’t know much about dotnet, But how about this :
Is it possible to put just the changing value (spinner and the global value) to a different thread not the main function ? Is this the same as lo said?