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[Closed] BIG material convert problem

So I’m trying to implement something similar, but there seems to be something strange about this.

My scene consists of a couple of objects, each with a different VRay material.
So I call the function for every item in sceneMaterials:

for m = 1 to sceneMaterials.count do
vRayMtlToStandard &sceneMaterials[m]

It runs ok, but then the weirdness starts.

The scene material list (in the material editor) shows only vray materials, but

for i in sceneMaterials do print (classof i)

returns a list of StandardMaterials.
And then, after a short while, everything seems to revert back to the VRay materials again.

Are you guys sure that & works as it should?

edit: sceneMaterials is of course read-only… :banghead:

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