[Closed] Automated script for saving max previews
Hello All
I am trying to create a library of the models I created. I was wondering if there is a automated script or program that can be run, to save out the previews of max files (Like the thumbnail 3dsmax saves when you save the file, although I would prefer it to be a little bigger).
So in summary, this is what I would expect the script to do.
- I have say 20 3ds max files in a directory
- I run the program/script within max or outside max (does not matter)
- The script automatically opens all the files in that directory, saves a preview of the last active viewport with the same file name as max.
I found a script called Vizable_maker which works inside max. It is a nice little script, but I am trying to find something in the same lines [b]THAT IS AUTOMATED
You can use MuFO (Multiple File Operations). It’s a script that I wrote that allows one to perform actions on a list of max files.
Just install the script, assign it to a Hotkey/Menu/Toolbar, run it, check the Script checkbox and enter the following script into the script text box:
viewport.activeViewport = 4 -- the number of the viewport you'd like to preview
local bm = gw.getViewportDIB()
fname = getDir #renderoutput + "\\preview_" + (getfilenamefile maxFileName) + ".jpg"
bm.filename = fname
save bm
I hope that helps.
Hello Wahooney
Thanks for the input. I will try this out and let you know.
Hi Keith
The Wahooney tool works wonderfully, although the script you provided me with is not saving out previews.
Am I doing anything wrong here?
Please help.
It should be saving it to your 3DSMax8\Renderoutput folder.
If you’re not using max8 then the script will have to change a bit.
Does it kick up any errors?
This works. But it works only when I changed the viewport number 1 instead of 4. I guess that is because all my files have single maximized viewport when saved.
Anyways, thank you so much. This script is ideal.
It’s a pleasure dismember.
This script has helped me out of so many pickles in the past, I’m glad that it can help more people