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[Closed] Auto-Skin-Weight Approach

“Does anybody have an idea how to optimize the runtime?”

Instead of rayCasting, you could use an octree or a bsp tree to determine if you are in/outside of a mesh. Havaard and Denis had a great discussion with snippets here. You might also consider a kd tree… or even a Rtree.

about a year ago i wrote a plugin in max 2009 that does this as well as some other useful skinning stuff
i used octrees to accelerate
ill try dig it out and post some videos and benchmarks…as far as i remember it wasnt terrribly slow at a resonable grid density!


Hey Mister Gark, I’ve already thought about a bsp-tree but was a bit “scared” to implement it cause one of the conditions says “Cut through those polys where you get the least new polygons” which would mean that I would have to implement some kind of “determination feature” and so on. But there reamains still another question: What do you mean, when you’re talking about having an octree without doing a raycast test? How do I determine if I’m inside the volume if I don’t test whether I’m inside? :hmm:

@Mark: That sounds great! You should show us the script… now I ask myself if I really should go on with this one…


Finally I managed it. I’m about to release that little script shortly. If you’re interested, please feel free to check out that video.

Autoweight 0.030 on Youtube.


Looks fantastic. As I already said, I will be hoping for CAT support too.
Will this be a free script? If so, it will be encrypted or there is a chance for me to try to get it work on CAT?


of course it will be free.

Though it’s not implemented yet, I strive for a CAT support. With the new “region-selection” instead of “loop-selection approach this might be possible. The only thing I need to know: Where do I switch on CAT-bones in Max? Basically I thought it is now fully integrated but maybe I need to download the plug-in first?

Allright. So here we go with version 0.030.

If you are interested in the script, you can download it from my page in the stuff section (have to scroll down) Look here

There is also a Youtube-Video explaining every button and the workflow of the script.


Thanks for sharing, will try asap.

As for CAT, as far as I know, it’s integrated at least in 2011 and 2012, not sure about older versions. You can find it in “Helpers/CAT Objects”.

A very quick attempt with CAT. Seems to work on my side, but really, this was really quick, will have to check it out better.

Hehe you really want this implementation, do you

Actually I think we should implement it by using matrices of bones and maybe this changes the whole CAT-thing… I mean it maybe makes it easier…

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