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[Closed] Attributes Modiffier


I am building a level editor for a new game engine using Max and, while the custom properties pane does what I need, I would like to know if it is possible (using max script or the sdk) to create a modiffier that would not change the object, but would hold some attributes (text, numbers, bool flags, etc) in a persistent way.

I have a number of examples to base my exporter upon, and it seems possible to acquire information from a modiffier like this one, but I haven’t found anything like it on the web and would like some hints as to how to get started.

Thanks in advance.


5 Replies

Yes is the simple answer. Best solution is to build the custom attribute definition by hand and don’t use the Parameter Editor. This is just so you can create a cleaner tool and ways to store your data. You can place an attribute definition just about any where in the scene as well, the scene root, the root of objects and even on a controller.

Thanks, PEN. I’ll look into custom attribute definitions and see what I can do with them.

Are there any online examples (or on the SDK reference) that you could point me to a quick start?


right in the MaxScript help… go to “Scripted Custom Attributes”

There’s a simple example there of exactly what you are looking to do. If you need to store “Hit Points” and “Cost” you’re REALLY set…

Things like that, yeah.

Thanks a lot.


Also the code is the same for writting scripted plugins so you can find lots of references there for how to code it as well.