[Closed] Attatching feathers to a wing
Is there a way to script this ?
Copy an array of feathers from feather A to B an get it to space out evenly and maitain its orientation to the neighbouring feather so it folds up nicely like bird wing
It certainly is scriptable, but without any detailed information it’s kinda hard to give any meaningful advice.
I found this on Tyson Ibeles site but can you make this with an copy array function
me i don’t know anything about scripting so please help
rollout feathers “Feather Setup” (
spinner fNum “Num of Feathers” range:[0,100,10] type:#integer
button create “Make Feathers” pos:[50,30]
on create pressed do (
selectionArray = selection as array
if selectionArray.count!=2
then messagebox(“You must select two objects”)
else (
for i=1 to fNum.value do (
w1=((i as float)/(fNum.value+1))*100
featherCopy = instance selectionArray[1]
featherCopy.rotation.controller = Orientation_Constraint()
featherCopy.rotation.controller.appendTarget selectionArray[1] w1
featherCopy.rotation.controller.appendTarget selectionArray[2] w2
if rf != undefined do (
closerolloutfloater rf
rf=newRolloutFloater “Feather Setup” 200 100
addrollout feathers rf