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[Closed] Attatching feathers to a wing


Is there a way to script this ?

Copy an array of feathers from feather A to B an get it to space out evenly and maitain its orientation to the neighbouring feather so it folds up nicely like bird wing

2 Replies

It certainly is scriptable, but without any detailed information it’s kinda hard to give any meaningful advice.



I found this on Tyson Ibeles site but can you make this with an copy array function
me i don’t know anything about scripting so please help

rollout feathers “Feather Setup” (
spinner fNum “Num of Feathers” range:[0,100,10] type:#integer

button create “Make Feathers” pos:[50,30]

on create pressed do (

selectionArray = selection as array

if selectionArray.count!=2

then messagebox(“You must select two objects”)

else (

for i=1 to fNum.value do (

w1=((i as float)/(fNum.value+1))*100


featherCopy = instance selectionArray[1]

featherCopy.rotation.controller = Orientation_Constraint()

featherCopy.rotation.controller.appendTarget selectionArray[1] w1

featherCopy.rotation.controller.appendTarget selectionArray[2] w2






if rf != undefined do (

closerolloutfloater rf


rf=newRolloutFloater “Feather Setup” 200 100

addrollout feathers rf