[Closed] Attaching Two objects with spline
Hi everyone ,
I am very new to max scripting. I need to write a script which connects the two selected objects with a spline and stay connected.ok now by far I have found two way of doing
That manually one with animateVertex and point3 expression and other with linkedXForm.
Now I have to automate the whole process with a script.
I started off with second method
addNewSpline line1
for i in selection do
addKnot line1 1 #corner #line i.pos
updateShape line1
select line1
subObjectLevel = 1
setKnotSelection line1 1 #(1)
modPanel.addModToSelection (Linked_XForm())
–line1.Linked_XForm.control =$point01
Select line1
addModifier line1 (Edit_spline())
subObjectLevel = 1
setKnotSelection line1 1 #(2)
modPanel.addModToSelection (Linked_XForm())
–line1.Linked_XForm.control =$point02
Now the problem is I am not able to select the vert 2 on Edit_spline modifier
Which is on top of linkedXform.
setKnotSelection line1 1 #(2) —-is selecting vert 2 of the base modifier.
So can any help me how to go about it or the whole approach is wrong or is there a better way to get it.As I said I am new to max script and I am still learning and help is greatly appreciated.
Originally posted by dargodeen
[B]Hi everyone ,
I am very new to max scripting. I need to write a script which connects the two selected objects with a spline and stay connected.ok now by far I have found two way of doing
That manually one with animateVertex and point3 expression and other with linkedXForm.
Now I have to automate the whole process with a script.
I started off with second methodline1=splineShape()
addNewSpline line1for i in selection do
addKnot line1 1 #corner #line i.posupdateShape line1
select line1
subObjectLevel = 1
setKnotSelection line1 1 #(1)
modPanel.addModToSelection (Linked_XForm())
–line1.Linked_XForm.control =$point01Select line1
addModifier line1 (Edit_spline())
subObjectLevel = 1
setKnotSelection line1 1 #(2)
modPanel.addModToSelection (Linked_XForm())–line1.Linked_XForm.control =$point02
Now the problem is I am not able to select the vert 2 on Edit_spline modifier
Which is on top of linkedXform.
setKnotSelection line1 1 #(2) —-is selecting vert 2 of the base modifier.So can any help me how to go about it or the whole approach is wrong or is there a better way to get it.As I said I am new to max script and I am still learning and help is greatly appreciated.
Cheers. [/B]
There are some issues with using knot selections in splines you should be aware of. Your example looks simple, but you should never underestimate the hidden cliffs in a package as deep…
Below is a message I posted as an answer to a similar question on the Max support forum in June 2003. It might be helpful.
The original author wanted to link two spheres with a line like with a rope, so moving any of the spheres would move the vertices of the spline and keep them connected…
—————Original Message——————
…When you set a Knot selection, you are ALWAYS affecting the base object – the EditableSpline at the bottom of the stack. When you make a selection below
using MAXScript, it FLOWS up the stack through all Edit_Spline modifiers and
changes their selections. So you always end up with the same knots selected
for both Linked_XForms.
You have to do two things to make it work – you have to go slightly backwards,
and use a SplineSelect as a “selection blocker” – as you probably know, you
can use BlaBla_Select to prevent sub-object selections from flowing up the stack in Max.
resetMaxFile #noPrompt
g= sphere()
g.pos = [0,0,0]
g2= sphere()
g2.pos = [70,89,0]
NSS = splineShape()
addnewSpline NSS
addKnot NSS 1 #corner #line [0,0,0]
addKnot NSS 1 #corner #line [70,89,0]
updateShape NSS
–No changes so far…
max modify mode –switch to modify panel
select NSS –select the spline
ms = edit_spline name:“First ES” –create 1st Edit_Spline
addmodifier NSS (ms) –add to the TOP of the stack
subobjectLevel = 1 –vertex level…
setKnotSelection NSS 1 #(1) –select first vertex in BASE OBJECT
LX1 = Linked_XForm name:“First XForm” –Add Linked XForm
modPanel.addModToSelection LX1 –Add to the sub-selection
LX1.Control = $Sphere01 –Set control
ms2 = splineselect name:“Protection” –Add a SplineSelect to stop the flow
addmodifier NSS (ms2) before:2 –Add it BEFORE the first Edit_Spline!
–Note: Since modifiers are always counted from top to bottom,
–having 2 modifiers on top will place the new modifier before them
–when using “before:2”
ms3 = edit_spline name:“Second ES” –Create second Edit_Spline
addmodifier NSS (ms3) before:3 –Add it BEFORE the SlineSelect “Blocker”
modPanel.setCurrentObject ms3 –Set the Modifier stack to it
subobjectLevel = 1 –vertex SO level
setKnotSelection NSS 1 #(2) –select second vertex
LX2 = Linked_XForm name:“Second XForm” –create new Linked XForm
modPanel.addModToSelection LX2 –Add on top of the current selection
LX2.Control = $Sphere02 –set second control
———————–End original message ——————-
Hope this helps.
It’s an old post, but pretty interesting. Now I understand why the method I was using wasn’t working. Thanks a lot, Bobo!