[Closed] Attach similar script
Working with archviz I have came across a very common problem. Imported files consist of just too many objects for max to handle gently. What I wish for is some way to automate a: select similar -> convert to poly (for faster attachment) -> attach -> convert to mesh (for reduced filesize) which would operate on a custom selection. I guess the script also have to check the object type and just operate on editmesh/editpoly objects, if attaching vizblocks or block style parent it would mess up the scene. After such a script is done running all block style parent could be manually (or scripted) deleted since the attach operations have “released” the geometry from their parents (correct me if Im wrong here).
Or. Instead of select similar, determine the objects material, select by material and attach all objects with same material. But for sake of keep the scene clear and easy to work with I think select similar would be the best option.
I havent found such a script, does anyone know if it exist? I have tried to record with the macrorecorder but no luck in adapt the results from the recording to a viable generic solution. I think such a script will be interesting for more than just me?
I wrote a tool for the company I used to work for that was doing most of the stuff you need. Unfortunately is under their copyright but I’ll try to write something quickly today to help you on that.