[Closed] Array index and rollout slider?
I think I tried making them local at beginning of the script like you say and the sliders would not work.
Although this was probably just a mistake I made as I am still learning. I thought that if I put them at the beginning like you say then the other parts of the code (such as the ‘on sld changed val do’) would not be able to access them?
This was the problem I was having, when I moved ANY of the sliders they affected each other because they were sharing one variable.
I will put local variables like you say though and test, thanks for the point helper tip I will also implement that. I really appreciate your input, you will definately be in my dissertation acknowledgements
First place the variables, then the rollout controls. There is no reason the sliders to not work.
rollout SwordSmith "Swordsmith" width:260 height:800
local obj = undefined
local B1 = undefined
local B2 = undefined
local CGD = undefined
local RP = undefined
local LP = undefined
local HNDL = undefined
local HLT = undefined
button FormatBladeBtn "Format Blades" pos:[16,144] width:110 height:32
button FormatCGBtn "Format Cross-Guards" pos:[136,144] width:110 height:32
One last thing, slightly off topic but I cant seem to find a reason anywhere. Why does the viewport become progressively slower/more lag the more times I execute the script or use a button on the script rollout?
I really do not understand this and it is very annoying