[Closed] Applying parenting in a When construct
I’m trying to parent a bunch of objects to a shape object when I move it, with the following:
when transform spinners change id:#spinnerRotate obj do
[color=DarkOrange]-- if the spinner object isn't already being affected[/color]
if tempObj != obj then
tempObj = obj
spinnerTransform = obj.transform.position
rotationGroup = #()
for i = 1 to cubeArray.count do
--if a cube is on the same z plane as the spinner object
if (cubeArray[i].transform.position.z) == (spinnerTransform.z) then
append rotationGroup cubeArray[i] --keep the group for later
append obj.children cubeArray[i] --parent the cube to the spinner
If I check the assignment with a print statement, it shows that the object is parented, but when I move the spinner object, it doesn't move the children, nor does it show any form of parenting has taken place in the properties dialog.
I’ve also tried to parent the other way, using:
cubeArray[i].parent = obj
Is this parenting only occuring in the when construct then being removed? I'm slightly confused.
I should add that a normal parenting process, such as
selection.parent = $Box01
works fine.
Here’s a simplified example that people can copy/paste/run:
s1 = sphere pos: [20,0,0]
s2 = sphere pos: [-20,0,0]
spheres = #(s1,s2)
b1 = box()
tempObj = 0
when transform spheres change obj do
if tempObj !=Obj then
for i in obj.children do deleteItem obj.children[i]
b1.parent =Obj
print s1.children
print s2.children
tempObj = Obj
You’ll notice that when you move one of the spheres, the box stays stationary and the object properties stay unlinked, even though the children print statement is telling you that the Box is a child of either object.
This happens with or without the children deletion statement.
Well, dunno if this is what you want, but it works with your simpler example.
s1 = sphere pos: [20,0,0]
s2 = sphere pos: [-20,0,0]
aspheres = #(s1,s2)
b1 = box()
when select aspheres change obj do
Hope it helps.
Artur, not what I wanted, but exactly what I needed! It actually makes a lot more sense to do it the way you have implemented. The code is working now.
Thank you very much.
Now can anyone explain why the transfom method wouldn’t be working? I have a few inklings, but i’d love to hear from the switched-on people.
At a very first glance, isn’t this the problem:
for i in obj.children do deleteItem obj.children[i]
You’re going in a loop through actual objects (not indexes) while at the same time you try to delet a obj.children[i], which accepts an integer value (an index), but instead, you supply it with an actual object.
So, to make it clear what I mean, let’s assume the loop is in progress and we bumped into the first object:
i = $myBox01
then you want it to perform this method:
deleteItem $myBox01[$myBox01]
This doesn’t make sense.
But I didn’t try your code, I only noticed this mistake at first glance, so it might not be it, but I’d guess that might have been the problem.