[Closed] Append Selection
Hey guys, Im hoping to find help with something very simple. I have something pre-selected and I want to be able to append the selection with the children of the selected object in maxscript. I tried using the max select child command, but it then deselects the parent!
selectMore $.children
MyObject = $
selectMore MyObject.children
Thanks, that worked perfect! Now what about doing the opposite, now I just want to deselect the children.
I tried this
deselect $.children
But it throws me this error:
–Unknown property: “children” in $selection
Thanks again!
Hi there, try this:
parents=for i in selection where i.parent==undefined collect i
select parents
I appreciate the help guys!
I was able to get this function working! One problem is it works on selected meshes and mesh parents, but it doesnt work on a group. It keeps saying:
– Unknown property: “position” in $selection
For some reason it doesnt like moving the group to 0,0,0. Would anyone know why this is?
fn DoExport exportsel =
OldSelection = getCurrentSelection()
objList = getCurrentSelection()
exportsel = True
for p=1 to objList.count do
exportName = MaxFilePath + "\\" + objList[p].name + "." + "ase"
select objList[p]
OldPosition = $.Position
$.position = [0,0,0]
selectMore $.children
exportfile exportName #noPrompt selectedOnly:TRUE
select objList[p]
$.Position = OldPosition
if (p == objList.count) then
select OldSelection --reselect old selection
There you go
theobjs=selection as array
for i in theobjs where classof(i)!=Dummy do
Thanks again for the post Kameleon.
Im having a hard time integrating that into this script, also when I run this code straight on a group, it moves each object inside the group to 0,0,0. All I want to do is move the group itself, or I guess aka the Group Head.
Oh, sorry I didnt quite get it, but it’s almost the same script, all you have to do is change the != to == hehe, there you go.
theobjs=selection as array
for i in theobjs where classof(i)==Dummy do