[Closed] Anyone knows if such maxscript exists?
What I want to do is
- Collect all point helpers (or pick them)
- Sort them in ascending coordinates. (Better off if I can choose which axis is the first priority)
- Give them a name
so it’s like this
Pallet001 Pallet004 Pallet007
Pallet002 Pallet005 Pallet008
Pallet003 Pallet006 Pallet009
Of course, it runs down to all axis.
the tool you are asking is very specific. but it’s easy to make anything more generally used.
something like this:
try(destroydialog orderPoints) catch()
rollout orderPoints "Order Points" width:200
fn sortByPosComponent v1 v2 order:#(1,2,3) dir:1 =
act = if v1.pos[order[1]] < v2.pos[order[1]] then -1 else if v1.pos[order[1]] > v2.pos[order[1]] then 1 else
if order[2] != undefined then sortByPosComponent v1 v2 order:(deleteitem order 1) else 0
label lb "Order:" align:#right offset:[-20,4] across:3
dropdownlist order_dd items:#("xyz", "xzy", "yzx", "yxz", "zxy", "zyx") width:44 align:#left offset:[-16,0] tooltip:"Sorting Order"
checkbox reverse_ch "Reverse" width:90 align:#left offset:[-14,3] tooltip:"Use Reverse Order"
edittext base_ed text:"Pallete" width:194 align:#left offset:[-12,2] tooltip:"Point Base Name"
button rename_bt "Rename Points" width:190 align:#left offset:[-8,2] tooltip:"Rename Selected Points
+ Control - All Points"
fn makeOrder = for k=1 to 3 collect (bit.charasint order_dd.selected[k] - 119)
on rename_bt pressed do undo "Rename Points" on
nodes = if keyboard.controlpressed then selection else helpers
pp = for p in nodes where iskindof p Point collect p
if pp.count > 0 do
dir = if reverse_ch.state then -1 else 1
qsort pp sortByPosComponent order:(makeOrder()) dir:dir
id = 0
d = orange/pp.count
for p in pp do
c = orange - id*d
p.name = base_ed.text + (formattedprint (id += 1) format:"05d")
p.wirecolor = c
createdialog orderPoints
delete objects
count = 100
seed = 0
for k=1 to count do point pos:(random -[100,100,100] [100,100,100])
the key thing there is the sorting method i use. check if you are interested
Hello there,
Thanks for the script, it works on the first trial. But it has errors when I run on the second scene. Any ideas why?
sortByComponent has to be replaced with sortByPosComponent
(i’ve fixed it in the code posted above)
Sorry for resurrecting this thread.
I lately reopen the script to test some new projects.
and find something funny. While there are other helpers (points)
in the scene, I pressed control when I clicked on the left mouse button,
The whole lot of helpers changed names, but not quite in the right order.
I found that some helpers were not orange, but in a gradient between black
and orange. Any ideas why?