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[Closed] Animating with variable keyframes


I’m currently trying to make a script simply to animate an object from the location of one helper to the location of another helper.

I’m a beginner at MaxScript.

The current status is that I press a button which which sets a key at time 0 with position of one helper and a key at pos 100 with the location of the other helper.

Problem: I want the animation to adjust in realtime when i move on of the helpers to another point in the scene.

Any suggestions on how to achieve that?

5 Replies

I would probably avoid scripting and do this with a position constraint controller and animate the weights of the different targets. If you only wanted to animate a single parameter you could create a slider and wire its value to the two different weights in the position constraint so objectA.weight = slider.value and objectB.weight = 1.0 – slider.value

Hope this helps,

Sorry, but scripting it is the critical part

You can easily script everything I suggested.

I would look at Node Event System and the controllerOtherEvent callback.

controllerOtherEvent: The supplied function will be called whenever a node’s controller has been changed in another way.
Beyond that using Link Constraint (or the List Controller mentioned earlier), or something like that instead may be easier.


Thanks, both of you

I solved it with a path constraint now and skinned vertices to the helper objects – but I will consider your tips next time since i have to do more of this stuff – will see what solves it best.