[Closed] Animate Button press….?
I’ve been hunting through the maxscript and i’m not certain if this is possible but…I have a dialog box with some buttons and basically it links the selected objects together, this all works fine but I need to animate the checkbutton presses so it sets a keyframe of the checkbutton being pressed each time… like an animated switch…Not sure how to clarify this any more…
Why not just use a spinner with a range integer range of 0 – 1. It will do the same thing, if I understood you correctly, and its a fairly simple setup.
I’ve been trying that but the slider isn’t being keyframed either. my test set up is a simple one. 3 boxes… set 1 to the master and with the toggle switch(spinner) turn it’s effects on or off and the other 2 are set to slaves.
On = I move the master and the other 2 follow. if I keyframe the master’s movement across the screen with the link turned on the slaves follow but halfway through I want to switch off the link so only the master moves the remaining distance. is that a bit clearer?
I may have to over complicate it to get it working but i’m sure there must be a more simple way than setting it to auto keyframe the position of the slaves when the master is moved if the button is active. sorry this is a little complex
you could write something like this:
for T = 0 to 100 do ( --loop through a (frame)range
sliderTime = (T) --sets the timeSlider to the current iterration Integer
-- here comes your animation
there also is an “with animate on” context you can use but this bugged out on me a few times so i use the method above
are you using a link constraint, or a scripted controller, reaction controller, to get the boxes to follow? A reaction controller set to the switch might do what you need if its for simple transformations. Have the boxes follow as the switch is set to 1, then they do not react when set to 0. Unless you really need keyframes on the slaves. If so you can always bake the animation after your done setting it all up.
To be hoenst I’m cutting corners and using the parent system which I’m beginning to realise may not have been the best way lol. here is my current code…
macroScript HoldObjectUI
--Declaration of variables.
--The makeLeg functions call a seperate script file depending on the chosen option of leg rig.
RigDialog = newRolloutFloater "IK Object" 200 250
--Start of Connector rollout. Functions act as a filter for pick button geometry type.
rollout rollIKObject "Hold Objects"
groupbox IKObjectbox "Select the hand and object" pos: [10,10] width: 165 height: 190
Label labpick1 "Select the Object" pos: [50,115]
Label labpick2 "Select the Wrist Controllers" pos: [30,30]
pickbutton pickParent "Object" pos: [32,140]
pickbutton pickChild "Select" pos: [37,55]
pickbutton pickChild2 "Select" pos: [35,85]
checkbutton btntoggleLink "Toggle Link" pos: [55,170] enabled: false animButtonEnabled: True
button btnclearchild1 "Clear" pos: [110,55]
button btnclearchild2 "Clear" pos: [110,85]
button btnclearparent "Clear" pos: [110,140]
on pickParent picked parent do
if parent != undefined do
pickParent.text = parent.name
if pickParent.object != undefined then
(if pickChild.object != undefined then
(btntoggleLink.enabled = true))
) --end of pickParent IF expression
on pickChild picked child do
if child != undefined do
pickChild.text = child.name
if pickParent.object != undefined then
(if pickChild.object != undefined then
(btntoggleLink.enabled = true))
) --end of pickChild IF expression
on pickChild2 picked child2 do
if child2 != undefined do
pickChild2.text = child2.name
if pickParent.object != undefined then
(if pickChild2.object != undefined then
(btntoggleLink.enabled = true))
) --end of pickChild IF expression
on btntoggleLink changed state do
( if state == on then
(if pickChild.object != undefined then
pickChild.object.parent = pickParent.object
if pickChild2.object != undefined then
pickChild2.object.parent = pickParent.object)
if state == off then
(if PickChild.object.parent == undefined
PickChild.object.parent = undefined
PickChild.object.parent = undefined
if PickChild2.object.parent == undefined
PickChild2.object.parent = undefined
PickChild2.object.parent = undefined)
on btnclearchild1 pressed do
(pickChild.Object = undefined
pickChild.text = "Select")
on btnclearchild2 pressed do
(pickChild2.Object = undefined
pickChild2.text = "Select")
on btnclearparent pressed do
(pickParent.Object = undefined
pickParent.text = "Select")
)--end of rollout
addrollout rollIKObject RigDialog