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[Closed] Analyzing Viewport Lighting [3DS Max 2014]

you can really use the orbit tool while running the script?

I also tried to send the same message to ViewportControlPanel but then i couldnt even select the orbit tool anymore…
My earlier script has the same problem that I have to select the object to start the render to texture script.
If I only could find a way to do it in the background or to render to texture without selecting the object everything would work out.
The new “All prepared” option in the render to texture rollout was a hope but I dont know how to select in the script.

global nodeName = "right_perfect"
global DotNetForm
-- Check variable and close window if it exists
try DotNetForm.close() catch()
    unregisterRedrawViewsCallback printTime
    global obj = getnodebyname nodeName
    -- Create a form
    global DotNetForm = DotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.Form"
    DotNetForm.Size = (DotNetObject "Drawing.Size" 200 80)
    global ViewPanelHwnd = 0
    fn GetViewportsPanelHWND = ( for j in (windows.getchildrenhwnd #max) where j[4] == "ViewPanel" do exit with j[1] )
    ViewPanelHwnd = GetViewportsPanelHWND()
    global ViewPanelHwnd2 = 0
    fn GetViewportsPanelHWND2 = ( for j in (windows.getchildrenhwnd #max) where j[4] == "RollupPanel" do exit with j[1] )
    ViewPanelHwnd2 = GetViewportsPanelHWND2()
    -- create bakemap to use later
    global monitor = bitmap 14 14 color:green
    display monitor
    -- set render environment background to black
    execute "backgroundcolor = color 0 0 0"
    if (obj != undefined AND == nodeName) then (        
        local bakeMap = diffusemap()
        bakeMap.outputSzX = 16
        bakeMap.outputSzY = 16
        bakeMap.fileType = ".png"
        bakeMap.filterOn = false
        bakeMap.shadowsOn = on
        bakeMap.lightingon = on
        bakeMap.targetMapSlotName = "Diffuse"
        bakeMap.enabled = true
        obj.INodeBakeProperties.addBakeElement bakeMap
        obj.INodeBakeProperties.bakeEnabled = on
        obj.INodeBakeProperties.flags = 1
        obj.INodeBakeProperties.bakeChannel = 1
         obj.INodeBakeProperties.nDilations = 0
    local myBitmap = render rendertype:#bakeSelected vfb:off progressBar:false outputSize:[16,16]
    fn renderFrame = (
        if (obj != undefined AND == nodeName) then (
            faceValues = #()
            selectedbefore = getCurrentSelection()
            windows.sendmessage ViewPanelHwnd 11 0 0    -- redraw off
            windows.sendmessage ViewPanelHwnd2 11 0 0    -- redraw off
            select obj
            myBitmap = render rendertype:#bakeSelected vfb:off progressBar:false outputSize:[16,16]

            if (selectedbefore != undefined) then ( select selectedbefore )
            windows.sendmessage ViewPanelHwnd 11 1 0    -- redraw on
            windows.sendmessage ViewPanelHwnd2 11 1 0    -- redraw off
            -- this is the first row which has only 6 fields
            thisRow = getPixels myBitmap [1,2] 6
            for color in thisRow do ( append faceValues color.r )
            for row=3 to 16 do (
            thisRow = getPixels myBitmap [1,row] 14 
                for color in thisRow do (
                    append faceValues color.r
            for y = 1 to 14 do (
                for x = 1 to 14 do (
                    index = (y*x)
                    if index <= 188 then (
                        colorValue = faceValues[index] 
                        thisColor = color colorValue colorValue colorValue
                        -- append colors thisColor
                        colors = #(thisColor)
                        setPixels monitor [(x-1),(y-1)] colors
            close myBitmap
            -- copy myBitmap monitor
            display monitor 
            -- return faceValues
    local theTimer = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.Timer"
    fn printTime = (
        values = renderFrame()
    fn stopEverything = (
   unregisterRedrawViewsCallback printTime        
    fn exitProgram = (
   unregisterRedrawViewsCallback printTime
        if (obj != undefined AND == nodeName) then (
        free myBitmap
        undisplay monitor

    -- Create a button
    local DotNetButton = DotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.Button"
    DotNetButton.Text = "start"
    DotNetButton.Location = (DotNetObject "Drawing.Point" 10 10)

    -- Create another button
    local DotNetButton2 = DotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.Button"
    DotNetButton2.Text = "stop"
    DotNetButton2.Location = (DotNetObject "Drawing.Point" 100 10)

    -- The "Click" event calls this function (see below)
    fn OnButtonClick s e =(
        if (s.Text == "start") then (
            registerRedrawViewsCallback printTime
        ) else (
            unregisterRedrawViewsCallback printTime

    -- Setup an event handler for both buttons
    dotNet.addEventHandler DotNetButton "Click" OnButtonClick
    dotNet.addEventHandler DotNetButton2 "Click" OnButtonClick
    dotNet.addEventHandler DotNetForm "Closing" exitProgram
    -- Add the buttons to the form
    DotNetForm.Controls.AddRange #(DotNetButton, DotNetButton2)
    DotNetForm.TopMost = true
    -- Show the form   

this somehow works but If i add or remove a light while it is running it is crashing .
when adding a light it first crashes if I leave the mouse button so while dragging the light into the scene everything still works even with two lights but as soon as i move my finger up (on mouse up event) I get an application error and max crashes

I can use Max normally including any viewport navigation command, add/remove lights, modify the box, add/remove faces etc. and everything updates in real time, with no flickering, not even in the controls. Additionally, I can animate and play the animation while the tools is enabled and the values updates while playing.

The CPU usage keeps at 0 and the FPS does not slow down, which is surprising for a script that captures 100 images per second. I would expect at least a little drop in performance, but nothing changes on my end.

Using the render() function does cast a lot of notifications so I don’t think it is suitable for this task,

Using the Max .Net API should do it better. Here is all you need to implement it:

    gbl = (dotnetclass "Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface").Instance
    ip  = gbl.COREInterface
    viewHwnd = dotnetobject "system.intptr" ip.ActiveViewExp.Hwnd
    viewExp = ip.GetViewExp viewHwnd
    GraphicsWindow = viewExp.Gw
    dib = GraphicsWindow.DIB

Grab each viewport hwnd and the just get the bitmap of them and find the pixels values. From my last script you can remove all the stuff to switch the active viewport and the redraw messages. With this, you should see no flickering at all. Don’t forget to dispose the returning bitmap once you don’t need it.

cool thanks,
Ufff, I dont really know how to implement the code, did you write it or did you find it somewhere?
I tried to look at the dib data from the code like this but only got black screen:

gbl = (dotnetclass "Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface").Instance
ip  = gbl.COREInterface

viewHwnd = dotnetobject "system.intptr" ip.ActiveViewExp.Hwnd
viewExp = ip.GetViewExp viewHwnd
GraphicsWindow = viewExp.Gw

dib = GraphicsWindow.DIB

testbmp = bitmap 1920 1024 
copy dib testbmp 
display testbmp

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

I wrote the code. The bitmap you get is a .Net bitmap so it won’t display with the MXS display() function. You can either copy it to the clipboard (using .Net) and then getting the clipboard image from MXS and display it or use a .Net control to see it.

    gbl = (dotnetclass "Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface").Instance
    ip  = gbl.COREInterface

    viewHwnd = dotnetobject "system.intptr" ip.ActiveViewExp.Hwnd
    viewExp = ip.GetViewExp viewHwnd
    GraphicsWindow = viewExp.Gw

    dib = GraphicsWindow.DIB
    rollout RO_VIEWER ""
        dotNetControl dnc_img "PictureBox" pos:[8,8] width:dib.width height:dib.height
        on RO_VIEWER open do dnc_img.image = dib
    createdialog RO_VIEWER width:(dib.width+16) height:(dib.height+16)

okay I did the following to see all properties of gbl.COREInterface

local props = getPropNames gbl:COREInterface
print props 

but there is nothing else than ActiveViewExp in the list
I dont get how to grab a Viewport handle mh, if I find it I will report it here
___ EDIT
I can somehow get the top view with the following, but I have no idea how to get the other views.
Do you know how to do it?

gbl = (dotnetclass "Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface").Instance
ip  = gbl.COREInterface    
viewHwnd = dotnetobject "system.intptr" ip.MAXHWnd  -- this here returns the top view, I dont know why.

Thanks! I could somehow manage to get them like this now by try and error

gbl = (dotnetclass "Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface").Instance
ip  = gbl.COREInterface
fn GetLeftCamHWND = ( for j in (windows.getchildrenhwnd #max) where j[5] == "camera_left" do exit with j[1] )
fn GetRightCamHWND = ( for j in (windows.getchildrenhwnd #max) where j[5] == "camera_right" do exit with j[1] )
camLeft = GetLeftCamHWND()
camRight = GetRightCamHWND()

viewHwnd = dotnetobject "system.intptr" camLeft    
viewExp = ip.GetViewExp viewHwnd
GraphicsWindow = viewExp.Gw

dib = GraphicsWindow.DIB
rollout RO_VIEWER ""
    dotNetControl dnc_img "PictureBox" pos:[8,8] width:dib.width height:dib.height

    on RO_VIEWER open do dnc_img.image = dib
createdialog RO_VIEWER width:(dib.width+16) height:(dib.height+16)

Unfortunately not all SDK is implemented in the .Net API, although it gets better in later Max versions. But in Max 2014 many things do not work.

There are several methods and properties implemented in different interfaces, but I couldn’t get most of them to work.


Was deprecated in Max 2013 and getViewExp() doesn’t seem to work in Max 2014.

Here is something I could get to work if you want to stick to the SDK, but there might be other ways.


    gbl = (dotnetclass "Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface").Instance
    ip  = gbl.COREInterface
    fn GetCameraViewExp name: =
        viewPanel = gbl.ViewPanelManager
        activePanel = viewPanel.ActiveViewPanel
        numViewports = activePanel.NumberOfViewports
        for j = 1 to numViewports do
            ViewExp = activePanel.GetViewExpByIndex (j-1)
            ViewType = ViewExp.ViewType.ToString()
            if ViewType == "Camera" do
                if ViewExp.ViewCamera.Name == name do return ViewExp
        return undefined
    GetCameraViewExp name:"camera_left"

Here is a working code using the .net API. You still need to debug and improve it.

The Logarithmic Exposure Control seems to work consistently in viewport and render, but not all the others, so this solution is a partial workaround for what you need. If you switch to another Exposure algorithm, it might not give the values you need.

A better solution would be to implement the Exposure algorithm in the code, or perhaps you can adjust the exposure externally and use something different. After all, it is just a color curve.

    global GW_DisplayFacesColors
    local data_front = #()
    local data_back  = #()
    local data_type  = 1
    local showSamples = false

    fn GW_DisplayFacesColors =
        for j in data_front do
            val = case data_type of
                1: j[2] as point3
                2: int j[2].h
                3: int j[2].s
                4: int j[2].v
            gw.text j[1] (val as string) color:red
            if showSamples do for k in j[3] do gw.Marker k #asterisk color:red

        for j in data_back do
            val = case data_type of
                1: j[2] as point3
                2: int j[2].h
                3: int j[2].s
                4: int j[2].v
            gw.text j[1] (val as string) color:black
            if showSamples do for k in j[3] do gw.Marker k #asterisk color:black
        gw.enlargeUpdateRect #whole
    try destroydialog ::RO_DISPLAY_FACES_COLORS catch()

    rollout RO_DISPLAY_FACES_COLORS "Faces Colors" width:172 height:172
        button       bt_vp1          "Set Font View"      pos:[ 8, 8] width:72 height:32
        button       bt_vp2          "Set Back View"      pos:[88, 8] width:72 height:32
        spinner      sp_sampleDist   "Samples Distance"   pos:[ 8,48] range:[0,100,50] fieldwidth:56
        checkbox     chk_showSamples "Show Smaple Points" pos:[ 8,72]

        radioButtons rdo1 "Display:" pos:[8, 96] labels:#("RGB","H","S","B") columns:4
        checkbutton  btn1 "Enable"   pos:[8,136] width:154 height:28
        timer        clock interval:20 active:false

        local GetFaceVerts = polyop.getfaceverts
        local GetfaceNormal = polyop.getfaceNormal
        local GetFaceCenter = polyop.getFaceCenter
        local GetVert = polyop.getvert
        local node
        local vp_front = undefined
        local vp_back  = undefined
        local gw_front = undefined
        local gw_back  = undefined

        local gbl = (dotnetclass "Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface").Instance
        local ip  = gbl.COREInterface
        local identityTM = gbl.IdentityTM.Create()
        fn ConvertMatrix tm =
            r1 = tm.GetRow 0
            r2 = tm.GetRow 1
            r3 = tm.GetRow 2
            return (matrix3 [r1.x, r1.y, r1.z] [r2.x, r2.y, r2.z] [r3.x, r3.y, r3.z] [0,0,0])
        fn CalculateFacesColors viewGW viewTM =
            dib = viewGW.DIB
            tm = viewTM.AffineTM
            viewTM = ConvertMatrix tm
            viewGW.transform = identityTM
            result = for f = 1 to node.numfaces collect
                faceNormal = normalize (GetfaceNormal node f)

                if (faceNormal*viewTM).z > 0 then
                    faceCenter = GetFaceCenter node f
                    fverts = GetFaceVerts node f

                    numverts = fverts.count
                    faceColor = black
                    samplePoints = #()

                    for j in fverts do
                        d = distance faceCenter (GetVert node j)
                        n = normalize (faceCenter - (GetVert node j))
                        d = sp_sampleDist.value * d / 100.0
                        pt = faceCenter + (d*n)
                        pt = gbl.Point3.Create pt.x pt.y pt.z
                        px = gbl.Point3.Create 0 0 0
                        viewGW.TransPoint pt px
                        if px.x > 0 and px.x < dib.width and px.y > 0 and px.y < dib.height do
                            pcolor = dib.GetPixel px.x px.y
                            if pcolor != undefined then
                                faceColor.r += pcolor.r
                                faceColor.g += pcolor.g
                                faceColor.b += pcolor.b
                                numverts -= 1
                        append samplePoints [pt.x, pt.y, pt.z]

                    faceColor.r = int (faceColor.r/numverts)
                    faceColor.g = int (faceColor.g/numverts)
                    faceColor.b = int (faceColor.b/numverts)
                    #(faceCenter, faceColor, samplePoints)
            return result
        fn GetDisplayData =
            data_front = CalculateFacesColors gw_front vp_front 
            data_back  = CalculateFacesColors gw_back vp_back
        fn GetViewExp =
            viewHwnd = dotnetobject "system.intptr" ip.ActiveViewExp.Hwnd
            return ip.GetViewExp viewHwnd

        on clock tick do

        on RO_DISPLAY_FACES_COLORS close do
            unregisterRedrawViewsCallback GW_DisplayFacesColors

        on btn1 changed arg do
            if vp_front == undefined or vp_back == undefined do
                btn1.checked = false
                return messagebox "Select Front and Back Views"

            unregisterRedrawViewsCallback GW_DisplayFacesColors
            if arg then
                if selection.count == 1 and iskindof selection[1] editable_poly then
                    node = selection[1]
           = true
                    registerRedrawViewsCallback GW_DisplayFacesColors
                    node = undefined
                    btn1.checked = false
           = false
                    messagebox "Select an object"
       = false

        on rdo1 changed arg do
            data_type = arg

        on bt_vp1 pressed do
            vp_front = GetViewExp()
            gw_front = vp_front.Gw
            bt_vp1.text = viewport.activeViewport as string

        on bt_vp2 pressed do
            vp_back = GetViewExp()
            gw_back = vp_back.Gw
            bt_vp2.text = viewport.activeViewport as string
        on chk_showSamples changed arg do
            showSamples = arg
        on sp_sampleDist changed arg do


    createdialog RO_DISPLAY_FACES_COLORS

Merry Christmas everyone!
With the incredible help here I could find a solution with a very small UV map and texture baking -> analyzing which allows me to interact with the viewport, rotate & and move the objects,
getting the default light which changes on the object while rotating around it and so on .
this is the sketch:

global nodeName = "right_perfect"
global obj = getnodebyname nodeName
global DotNetForm
-- Check variable and close window if it exists
try DotNetForm.close() catch()
    -- Create a form
    global DotNetForm = DotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.Form"
    DotNetForm.Size = (DotNetObject "Drawing.Size" 200 80)
    global ViewPanelHwnd = 0
    fn GetViewportsPanelHWND = ( for j in (windows.getchildrenhwnd #max) where j[4] == "ViewPanel" do exit with j[1] )
    ViewPanelHwnd = GetViewportsPanelHWND()
    global ViewPanelHwnd2 = 0
    fn GetViewportsPanelHWND2 = ( for j in (windows.getchildrenhwnd #max) where j[4] == "RollupPanel" do exit with j[1] )
    ViewPanelHwnd2 = GetViewportsPanelHWND2()
    global monitor = bitmap 14 14 color:green
    display monitor
    -- set render environment background to black
    execute "backgroundcolor = color 0 0 0"
    -- create bakemap to use later
    if (obj != undefined AND == nodeName) then (        
        local bakeMap = diffusemap()
        bakeMap.outputSzX = 16
        bakeMap.outputSzY = 16
        bakeMap.fileType = ".png"
        bakeMap.filterOn = false
        bakeMap.shadowsOn = on
        bakeMap.lightingon = on
        bakeMap.targetMapSlotName = "Diffuse"
        bakeMap.enabled = true
        obj.INodeBakeProperties.addBakeElement bakeMap
        obj.INodeBakeProperties.bakeEnabled = on
        obj.INodeBakeProperties.flags = 1
        obj.INodeBakeProperties.bakeChannel = 1
         obj.INodeBakeProperties.nDilations = 0
    local myBitmap = render rendertype:#bakeSelected vfb:off progressBar:false outputSize:[16,16]
    fn renderFrame = (
        if (obj != undefined AND == nodeName) then (
            faceValues = #()
            selectedbefore = getCurrentSelection()
            windows.sendmessage ViewPanelHwnd 11 0 0    -- redraw off
            windows.sendmessage ViewPanelHwnd2 11 0 0    -- redraw off
            select obj
            myBitmap = render rendertype:#bakeSelected vfb:off progressBar:false outputSize:[16,16]
            if (selectedbefore != undefined) then ( select selectedbefore )
            windows.sendmessage ViewPanelHwnd 11 1 0    -- redraw on
            windows.sendmessage ViewPanelHwnd2 11 1 0    -- redraw off
            -- this is the first row which has only 6 fields
            thisRow = getPixels myBitmap [1,2] 6
            for color in thisRow do ( append faceValues color.r )
            for row=3 to 16 do (
            thisRow = getPixels myBitmap [1,row] 14 
                for color in thisRow do (
                    append faceValues color.r
            for y = 1 to 14 do (
                for x = 1 to 14 do (
                    index = (y*x)
                    if index <= 188 then (
                        colorValue = faceValues[index] 
                        thisColor = color colorValue colorValue colorValue
                        -- append colors thisColor
                        colors = #(thisColor)
                        setPixels monitor [(x-1),(y-1)] colors
            close myBitmap
            -- copy myBitmap monitor
            display monitor 
    global dnc_control, mouseButtonStates, lButton, mButton, rButton
    global mouseState
    global numObjects = objects.count -- to store last object count before mouse clicking to check if object is created later
    fn printTime = (
        mouseButtonStates = dnc_control.MouseButtons.value__
        theButtonStr = ""
        if (dotnet.CompareEnums mouseButtonStates lButton) then ( 
            --theButtonStr += "Left " 
            mouseState = "clicked";
            if (objects.count > numObjects) then (
                -- print "create object"
            ) else (
                values = renderFrame()
        ) else (
            mouseState = "not clicked"
            values = renderFrame()
            numObjects = objects.count
        --print mouseState

    fn stopEverything = (
        unregisterRedrawViewsCallback printTime
    fn exitProgram = (
        unregisterRedrawViewsCallback printTime
        if (obj != undefined AND == nodeName) then (
        free myBitmap
        undisplay monitor

    -- Create a button
    local DotNetButton = DotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.Button"
    DotNetButton.Text = "start"
    DotNetButton.Location = (DotNetObject "Drawing.Point" 10 10)
    -- Create another button
    local DotNetButton2 = DotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.Button"
    DotNetButton2.Text = "stop"
    DotNetButton2.Location = (DotNetObject "Drawing.Point" 100 10)

    -- The "Click" event calls this function (see below)
    fn OnButtonClick s e =(
        if (s.Text == "start") then (
            print("start everything")
            registerRedrawViewsCallback printTime
            dnc_control = dotNetClass "Control"
            mouseButtons = dnc_control.MouseButtons
            lButton = mouseButtons.Left.value__
        ) else (
            unregisterRedrawViewsCallback printTime
            print("stop everything")
    -- Setup an event handler for both buttons
    dotNet.addEventHandler DotNetButton "Click" OnButtonClick
    dotNet.addEventHandler DotNetButton2 "Click" OnButtonClick
    dotNet.addEventHandler DotNetForm "Closing" exitProgram

    -- Add the buttons to the form
    DotNetForm.Controls.AddRange #(DotNetButton, DotNetButton2)
    DotNetForm.TopMost = true
    -- Show the form

the last problem to solve is to check avoid rendering while objects are created I could manage to do it for lights like this

 global numObjects = objects.count -- to store last object count before mouse clicking to check if object is created later
    fn printTime = (
        mouseButtonStates = dnc_control.MouseButtons.value__
        theButtonStr = ""
        if (dotnet.CompareEnums mouseButtonStates lButton) then ( 
            --theButtonStr += "Left " 
            mouseState = "clicked";
            if (objects.count > numObjects) then (
                -- print "create object"
            ) else (
                values = renderFrame()
        ) else (
            mouseState = "not clicked"
            values = renderFrame()
            numObjects = objects.count
        --print mouseState

But if i Create a box it does not work because the box creation process is not finished after leaving the mouse.
Does anyone know a property or a way how to find out if a object is in the process of being created?

Thanks so much for the help so far. I hope perhaps the collection of scripts can be helpful to others too.
best wishes!

One little thing is still not working perhaps someone can help me out.
When I create a light while the script is running on every viewport change callback 3ds Max crash as soon as I leave the mouse button…
It seems this happens because leaving the mouse button after dragging in a target spot leads Max to deselect the target/ reselect the light base only. I think if the light creation selecting parts are executed it crashes with the asynchron rendering progress which depends on the selection.

If there just would be a solution to bake a texture be script without selecting it. Everything would be so easy…
this is what happens if I leave the left mouse after creating this target spot. I dont understand why the script crashes.

fn printTime = (       
   mouseButtonStates = dnc_control.MouseButtons.value__        
   theButtonStr = ""      
   if (dotnet.CompareEnums mouseButtonStates lButton) then (               
      mouseState = "clicked";            
      if (objects.count > numObjects) then (                     
         -- values = renderFrame()          <<<<<<<<< if i uncomment this i get the ERROR 
      ) else (                
         values = renderFrame()         
    ) else (            
      mouseState = "not clicked"            
      values = renderFrame()            
      numObjects = objects.count        

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