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[Closed] AmbiantOcc absolute settings

I wish to create a script to adjust the AO settings of current selected objects.

or more simple, adjust several materials AO settings

recorded action:

meditMaterials[9].opts_ao_samples = 17
meditMaterials[9].opts_ao_distance = 4.04
meditMaterials[9].opts_ao_dark = color 0 0 0 255
meditMaterials[9].opts_ao_ambient = color 255 255 255 255
meditMaterials[9].opts_ao_use_global_ambient = off

is there any script to do that?

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you should be able to just swap out the meditMaterials[9] part with the current objects material like:
$.material.opts_ao_samples = 17
($ effectivley standing for ‘my selection’)
or if you have multiple objects selected, put them into an array like so:

obarray = $ as array

and then loop though it like so:

for i in obarray do
i.material.opts_ao_samples = 17

thank you for your answer but I just cant get it


$.material.opts_ao_samples = 17

return error

for i in selection do
i.material.opts_ao_on = on
i.material.opts_ao_samples = 18
i.material.opts_ao_distance = 3.97638
i.material.opts_ao_exact = off
i.material.opts_ao_dark = color 105 105 105 255
i.material.opts_ao_ambient = color 0 0 0 255
i.material.opts_ao_use_global_ambient = off


My script failed when a group is in the selection.
How to pick objects of group + individual objects in the script?

( for i in selection do i.material.opts_ao_on = on)

You could limit your loop to geometry objects:

for i in selection where superclassof s == GeometryClass do

that works thx!!

I just want to filter non Arch&Design material from the selection. Actualy the script return an error if a standartmaterial obj is in the selection.
here is my failed test:

global mysel= selection
for obj in mysel do
if obj.material != Arch___Design__mi ()
then (deselect obj)

if obj.material != Arch___Design__mi ()

is incorrect, you’ll want to test the classof for the assigned object’s materials


if (classof $.material) != Arch___Design__mi then
	print "NO, it isn't"
	print "YES, it is"

is correct, try it on some objects with different materials

if (classof $.material) != Arch___Design__mi then
print “NO, it isn’t”
print “YES, it is”

Do you try this?
It doesn’t work

Works fine here You could try using something along these lines to filter your Arch&Design objects:

tmpArr = #()
     for s in selection do
     	if (classof s.material) == Arch___Design__mi then append tmpArr s
     select tmpArr

Thank you for help. This is not very good scripted but it works!

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