[Closed] Always on top window, it's possible?
Hello everyone!
I’m starting with MaxScript and the best form to do it is making useful tools.
I made a little tool that ables to:
- Easy align unwrap vertex
- Copy and paste UV properties with simple buttons
- Select by Mat ID only by clicking the number
But my “little” problem appears when I want to use the UV editor maximized, because the “tool” disappears (is behind the UV editor, obviously).
Is possible to use maxscript for make always on top window?
I looked for it, but I don’t know if can call it by other name.
Thank you very much!
Are you using a rollout or a dotNet form?
If you’re using a dialog/rollout then it should always be on top.
If you’re using a dotNet form then you need to use a maxform:
form = dotNetObject "maxCustomControls.maxForm"
And to make it always appear on top of the max window you need to use:
rather than
Ah actually having reread your post I think that won’t work. So you’ve created a dialog window and you want that to always sit on top of the UV editor even when the dialog is not in focus.
I’m not aware of a way to do this with a maxscript dialog. You might be able to use a timer to make sure it’s always the top window but that’s quite a nasty way of achieving your goal.
I think is better if with my code in front:
/* UnWrap tools for Newbies
This tool ables to:
- Easy align unwrap vertex
- Copy and paste UV properties with simple buttons
- Select by Mat ID only by clicking the number
Author: Sergio Zarraga
UPF - MCV - 2011
rollout AUnwrapV "Align UV Vertex" width:200 height:200
Group "Align UV Vertex"
button AoX "Align on X" visible:true width:90 pos:[10,20]
button AoY "Align on Y" visible:true width:90 pos:[100,20]
Group "Copy/Paste UV"
button UVCopy "Copy UV" visible:true width:90 pos:[10,70]
button UVPaste "Paste UV" visible:true width:90 pos:[100,70]
Group "Select by Mat. ID"
button matid1 "1" visible:true width:30 pos:[10,120]
button matid2 "2" visible:true width:30 pos:[40,120]
button matid3 "3" visible:true width:30 pos:[70,120]
button matid4 "4" visible:true width:30 pos:[100,120]
button matid5 "5" visible:true width:30 pos:[130,120]
button matid6 "6" visible:true width:30 pos:[160,120]
button matid7 "7" visible:true width:30 pos:[10,140]
button matid8 "8" visible:true width:30 pos:[40,140]
button matid9 "9" visible:true width:30 pos:[70,140]
button matid10 "10" visible:true width:30 pos:[100,140]
button matid11 "11" visible:true width:30 pos:[130,140]
button matid12 "12" visible:true width:30 pos:[160,140]
on AoX pressed do (
$.modifiers[#unwrap_uvw].unwrap.ScaleSelectedVerticesCenter 0.0 1)
on AoY pressed do (
$.modifiers[#unwrap_uvw].unwrap.ScaleSelectedVerticesCenter 0.0 2)
on UVCopy pressed do (
on UVPaste pressed do (
$.modifiers[#Unwrap_UVW].paste false)
on matid1 pressed do (
$.modifiers[#Unwrap_UVW].selectByMatID 1
on matid2 pressed do (
$.modifiers[#Unwrap_UVW].selectByMatID 2
on matid3 pressed do (
$.modifiers[#Unwrap_UVW].selectByMatID 3
on matid4 pressed do (
$.modifiers[#Unwrap_UVW].selectByMatID 4
on matid5 pressed do (
$.modifiers[#Unwrap_UVW].selectByMatID 5
on matid6 pressed do (
$.modifiers[#Unwrap_UVW].selectByMatID 6
on matid7 pressed do (
$.modifiers[#Unwrap_UVW].selectByMatID 7
on matid8 pressed do (
$.modifiers[#Unwrap_UVW].selectByMatID 8
on matid9 pressed do (
$.modifiers[#Unwrap_UVW].selectByMatID 9
on matid10 pressed do (
$.modifiers[#Unwrap_UVW].selectByMatID 10
on matid11 pressed do (
$.modifiers[#Unwrap_UVW].selectByMatID 11
on matid12 pressed do (
$.modifiers[#Unwrap_UVW].selectByMatID 12
createDialog AUnwrapV
This is my code, if I open the “UV editor” it is behind…
Thank you!
to continue the old topic http://forums.cgsociety.org/showthread.php?f=98&t=925555&highlight=setWindowPos
global User32
fn CreateUser32Assembly =
source = ""
source += "using System;
source += "using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
source += "class User32
source += "{
source += " [DllImport(\"user32.dll\")]
source += " public static extern bool SetWindowPos(Int64 hWnd, int hWndArg, int Left, int Top, int Width, int Height, int hWndFlags);
source += "}
csharpProvider = dotnetobject "Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider"
compilerParams = dotnetobject "System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters"
compilerParams.GenerateInMemory = on
compilerResults = csharpProvider.CompileAssemblyFromSource compilerParams #(source)
compilerResults.CompiledAssembly.CreateInstance "User32"
User32 = CreateUser32Assembly()
fn showTopmost name act:on = if (hwnd = windows.getChildHWND 0 name) != undefined do
User32.setWindowPos hwnd[1] (if act then HWND_TOPMOST else HWND_NOTOPMOST) 0 0 0 0 0x3 -- (SWP_NOSIZE = 0x1, SWP_NOMOVE = 0x2)
showTopmost "MAXScript Listener" act:on
showTopmost "MAXScript Listener" act:off