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[Closed] Allow only point helper?


I don’t know how I can solve this problem so please give me some advice.
I want to know how I can tell script that I want allow only point helpers for my selection. I think “classOf selection” is my problem, but don’t know what is right way…

    on adjust_spn changed val do
           if classOf selection==point then $.size = adjust_spn.value else messagebox "Please, select point helper!" 

Thanks for helping.

2 Replies

Hi Tak Tak,

Here’s an example, I hope my comments explain it well

on adjust_spn changed val do
   -- collect all point helpers from selection into an array called 'thePoints'
   local thePoints = for obj in selection where classof obj == point collect obj

   -- any point helpers found in current selection?
   if thePoints.count > 0 then
      -- change size of all selected point helpers
      thePoints.size = [b]val[/b]
      -- no point helpers in current selection
      messagebox "Please, select point helper!"


Oh yes. Your comments explaned all! Thanks for friendly reply.