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[Closed] All group members
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Oct 10, 2014 3:06 am
no… it works just for a specific case. let’s change the combination:
delete objects
c0 = box name:"c0" pos:[40,40,0] wirecolor:orange
c1 = box name:"c1" pos:[40,80,40] wirecolor:orange
c2 = box name:"c2" pos:[40,80,0] wirecolor:orange
b0 = box name:"b0" pos:[40,0,0] wirecolor:orange
b1 = box name:"b1" pos:[80,0,0] wirecolor:orange
b2 = box name:"b2" pos:[40,40,0] wirecolor:green
b3 = box name:"b3" pos:[80,40,0] wirecolor:green
g4 = group #(c1,c2) name:"g4"
g0 = group #(b0,b1) name:"g0"
g4.parent = b0
g1 = group #(b2,b3,g0) name:"g1"
g2 = group #(c0, g1) name:"g2"
in b0 (box name:"d0" pos:[0,0,80] wirecolor:blue)
in g0 (box name:"d1" pos:[0,0,120] wirecolor:blue)
a0 = box name:"a0" pos:[0,40,80]
a1 = box name:"a1" pos:[0,80,80]
g3 = group #(a0,a1) name:"g3"
g3.parent = g2
for g in #(g0,g1,g2,g3,g4) do setGroupOpen g on
here are right members for “g2” and yours. yours is wrong.
Oct 10, 2014 3:06 am
also opening and closing groups shouldn’t be used in method. it’s always better to not change scene state if it’s not necessary.
Oct 10, 2014 3:06 am
delete objects
fn getClRootGroupHead node = if node != undefined do
with undo on
if isgroupmember node then
if isOpenGroupHead node.parent then
getClRootGroupHead node.parent
else node
fn getRootGroupHead node = if node != undefined do
if isgroupmember node then
getRootGroupHead node.parent
else node
fn findRealGroupMembers allmembers node =
real_group_members = #()
for s in allmembers do
if (getRootGroupHead s) == node and (not isgrouphead s) do
appendIfUnique real_group_members s
print real_group_members
select real_group_members
c0 = box name:"c0" pos:[40,40,0] wirecolor:orange
c1 = box name:"c1" pos:[40,80,40] wirecolor:orange
c2 = box name:"c2" pos:[40,80,0] wirecolor:orange
b0 = box name:"b0" pos:[40,0,0] wirecolor:orange
b1 = box name:"b1" pos:[80,0,0] wirecolor:orange
b2 = box name:"b2" pos:[40,40,0] wirecolor:green
b3 = box name:"b3" pos:[80,40,0] wirecolor:green
g4 = group #(c1,c2) name:"g4"
g0 = group #(b0,b1) name:"g0"
g4.parent = b0
g1 = group #(b2,b3,g0) name:"g1"
g2 = group #(c0, g1) name:"g2"
in b0 (box name:"d0" pos:[0,0,80] wirecolor:blue)
in g0 (box name:"d1" pos:[0,0,120] wirecolor:blue)
a0 = box name:"a0" pos:[0,40,80]
a1 = box name:"a1" pos:[0,80,80]
g3 = group #(a0,a1) name:"g3"
g3.parent = g2
for g in #(g0,g1,g2,g3,g4) do setGroupOpen g on
allmembers = join #() (getClRootGroupHead g2)
findRealGroupMembers allmembers (getClRootGroupHead g2)
Oct 10, 2014 3:06 am
it’s not working for every case… for example a new setup, but the same task – “all real members of g2”:
f0 = box name:"f0" pos:[80,40,0] wirecolor:orange
in f0 (f1 = box name:"f1" pos:[80,80,40] wirecolor:orange)
in f1 (f2 = box name:"f2" pos:[80,80,0] wirecolor:orange)
c0 = box name:"c0" pos:[40,40,0] wirecolor:orange
c1 = box name:"c1" pos:[40,80,40] wirecolor:orange
c2 = box name:"c2" pos:[40,80,0] wirecolor:orange
b0 = box name:"b0" pos:[40,0,0] wirecolor:orange
b1 = box name:"b1" pos:[80,0,0] wirecolor:orange
b2 = box name:"b2" pos:[40,40,0] wirecolor:green
b3 = box name:"b3" pos:[80,40,0] wirecolor:green
g4 = group #(c1,c2) name:"g4"
g0 = group #(b0,b1) name:"g0"
g4.parent = b0
g1 = group #(b2,b3,g0) name:"g1"
g2 = group #(c0, g1) name:"g2"
in b0 (box name:"d0" pos:[0,0,80] wirecolor:blue)
in g0 (box name:"d1" pos:[0,0,120] wirecolor:blue)
a0 = box name:"a0" pos:[0,40,80]
a1 = box name:"a1" pos:[0,80,80]
g3 = group #(a0,a1) name:"g3"
g3.parent = g2
g5 = group #(f0,f1,f2,g2) name:"g5"
for g in #(g0,g1,g2,g3,g4,g5) do setGroupOpen g on
this is right members:
Oct 10, 2014 3:06 am
delete objects
fn getClRootGroupHead node = if node != undefined do
with undo on
if isgroupmember node then
if isOpenGroupHead node.parent then
getClRootGroupHead node.parent
else node
fn getRootGroupHead node = if node != undefined do
if isgroupmember node then
getRootGroupHead node.parent
else node
fn findRealGroupMembers node =
allmembers = join #() node
real_group_members = for s in allmembers where (getRootGroupHead s) == node and (not isgrouphead s) collect s
return real_group_members
c0 = box name:"c0" pos:[40,40,0] wirecolor:orange
c1 = box name:"c1" pos:[40,80,40] wirecolor:orange
c2 = box name:"c2" pos:[40,80,0] wirecolor:orange
b0 = box name:"b0" pos:[40,0,0] wirecolor:orange
b1 = box name:"b1" pos:[80,0,0] wirecolor:orange
b2 = box name:"b2" pos:[40,40,0] wirecolor:green
b3 = box name:"b3" pos:[80,40,0] wirecolor:green
g4 = group #(c1,c2) name:"g4"
g0 = group #(b0,b1) name:"g0"
g4.parent = b0
g1 = group #(b2,b3,g0) name:"g1"
g2 = group #(c0, g1) name:"g2"
in b0 (box name:"d0" pos:[0,0,80] wirecolor:blue)
in g0 (box name:"d1" pos:[0,0,120] wirecolor:blue)
a0 = box name:"a0" pos:[0,40,80]
a1 = box name:"a1" pos:[0,80,80]
g3 = group #(a0,a1) name:"g3"
g3.parent = g2
for g in #(g0,g1,g2,g3,g4) do setGroupOpen g on
select (findRealGroupMembers (getClRootGroupHead g2))
print (findRealGroupMembers (getClRootGroupHead g2))
Oct 13, 2014 8:33 pm
in my case, I need only objects, not grouphead, but if it’s needed then just exclude
and (not isgrouphead s)
Oct 13, 2014 8:33 pm
Denis, for my situation, I need all members from inside last closed top group, that’s why
print (getClRootGroupHead g2)
is giving $Dummy:g5 and it’s selecting members of g5 as well.
1 Reply
the situation might change some day it’s always good to have a universal solution.
fn isGroupHeadMember head node act:off =
while isvalidnode node and isgroupmember node and not (act = (node.parent == head)) do node = node.parent
fn getAllGroupMembers head = if isgrouphead head do
for node in (join #() head) where isGroupHeadMember head node collect node
select (getAllGroupMembers $g2)
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