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[Closed] Adding sliders and stuff to Custom Attributes

Hey guys, I need to create a dummy with a attribute holder modifier and add a checkerbox controller to it via maxscript. I can manage to the part where I add attribute holder, but I need a help with the part where we add a checkerbox.
Thanks a lot!

4 Replies
delete objects
 b = box isselected:on
 m = EmptyModifier name:"Attribute"
 ca = attributes TestAttribute
 	parameters params rollout:params
 		float_param type:#float ui:ui_float_param
 		bool_param type:#boolean ui:ui_bool_param
 	rollout params "Parameters"
 		slider ui_float_param "Float Parameter:" type:#float 
 		checkbox ui_bool_param "Boolean Parameter"
 custattributes.add m ca
 addmodifier b m

this example will help you to get a result quicker, but if you want to know how it works read the mxs help (you might be surprised when you see a lot of samples there).

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Oh thanks a lot man! I have followed the stuff in maxscript reference. but this attribute holder modifier having a class like EmptyModifier confused me. I expected a class like bend and other modifiers.

if you need a modifier just for holding custom attributes use the cheapest one. EmptyModifier does do almost nothing, so it’s a fastest built-in modifier

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

That is awesome advice! will keep it in mind! Thanks again everyone!