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[Closed] Adding nodes to a NodeTab

Only to see what happens.

Well, finaly found why it crashes.

All the stuff (node0, node1 … node 13 and nodeTab<>) were in RingMaster class, so, to acces to them must have methods, like get/setNode0(…) .

But for nodeTab, I move it to global part of the program, to continue faster without to write its methods.

I wasn’t right. I think with methods would be able to get acces but, I wasn’t right.
Doesn’t matter if I try to acces RingMaster class variables (numNodes, rigidValue, … ) directly (mc->numNodes = 0 or x = mc->numNodes) or by methods (mc->SetNumNodes(0) or x = mc->GetNumNodes() ).

mc is a pointer to our RingMaster class instance.

Why can’t I acces? Why crashes?

If you need code you have here

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