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[Closed] Adding custom attributes in a loop


I am scripting a hand controller, with an attribute holder having separate rollouts per finger, and I’ve got the same amount of attributes to add to each finger. I thought that instead of typing each one separately, I’d loop over them and get it done in less code. 3ds max, however, doesn’t like my method of doing this…

Here’s a stripped down version of the code:

handMod = $'Hand_R_CTL'.modifiers[1]
  for i = 1 to 5 do
  	-- Build finger attributes
  	ca = attributes controls
  		parameters inparams rollout:fingR
  			finger_bend		type:#float ui:finger_bend_sp
  			finger_curl		type:#float ui:finger_curl_sp
  		rollout fingR ("Transforms")
  			spinner finger_bend_sp 	"Bend" 		range:[-1000000, 1000000, 0]
  			spinner finger_curl_sp		"Curl" 		range:[-1000000, 1000000, 0]
  	custAttributes.add handMod ca

Running this code, only gives me a single rollout inside the attribute holder. Strangely enough (at least for me), if I script this as a copy-pasted repeated process, it works as it should. Like this:

handMod = Hand_R_CTL'.modifiers[1]
      ca = attributes controls
          parameters inparams rollout:fingR
              finger_bend        type:#float ui:finger_bend_sp
              finger_curl        type:#float ui:finger_curl_sp
          rollout fingR ("Transforms")
              spinner finger_bend_sp     "Bend"         range:[-1000000, 1000000, 0]
              spinner finger_curl_sp        "Curl"         range:[-1000000, 1000000, 0]
      custAttributes.add handMod ca
          ca = attributes controls
          parameters inparams rollout:fingR
              finger_bend        type:#float ui:finger_bend_sp
              finger_curl        type:#float ui:finger_curl_sp
          rollout fingR ("Transforms")
              spinner finger_bend_sp     "Bend"         range:[-1000000, 1000000, 0]
              spinner finger_curl_sp        "Curl"         range:[-1000000, 1000000, 0]
      custAttributes.add handMod ca

Does anyone out in the wonderful world of the information highway know why??

5 Replies

It has to do with the attributeID of the CA, each CA has to have it’s ow unique ID, it gets generated automaticly when defining a CA. There can be only 1 CA with that ID, so adding a similar CA in a scene will not work, with the ID’s max can establish if CA’s are instances or unique. So you would need to somehow copy a CA and generate a new ID per itteration. But I found no simple solution yet. Maybe someone else has a bit more experience with CA’s



Ok this works:

 handMod = $.modifiers[1]
-- Build finger attributes

for i in 1 to 5 do
	caExe   = "ca = attributes controls
	caExe += "(
	caExe += "	parameters inparams rollout:fingR
	caExe += "	(
	caExe += "		finger_bend		type:#float ui:finger_bend_sp
	caExe += "		finger_curl		type:#float ui:finger_curl_sp
	caExe += "	)
	caExe += "	rollout fingR (\"Transforms"+(i as string)+"\")
	caExe += "	(
	caExe += "		spinner finger_bend_sp 	\"Bend\" 		range:[-1000000, 1000000, 0]
	caExe += "		spinner finger_curl_sp		\"Curl\" 		range:[-1000000, 1000000, 0]
	caExe += "	)
	caExe +=")

	execute caExe

	custAttributes.add handMod ca
	custAttributes.makeUnique handMod ca


Executing creates a new CA each itteration, use string to custumize some more.


Btw, I think because we’re in the same timezone I reply frequently on your questions, most others have mostly been answered by the time I wake up I swear I don’t do stalking

Hey – thanks again Johan! I shall seek you out and buy you a beer next time I’m in Holland

Great with the walkaround, I’ll try and see if it works with the rest of my script.



That’s a deal!

I finally got this implemented into my rig, and it works beautifully. Thanks again Johan