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[Closed] AddSubRollout

struct testSt
	fn ui =
		rollout test1 "test1"
			subrollout sr1 height:100
			button addSRBt "add"
			on addSRBt pressed do 
		rollout test2 "test2"
			spinner sp
		createDialog test1
	fn addSR =
		addSubRollout test1.sr1 test2


This gives an error that test2 is undefined, how do I get it to see the second rollout?

5 Replies

before asking the question have you tried to search on this forum?

I have, and found no solution.

struct TheDialog
	subA, subB,
	fn isRollout rol = (iskindof rol RolloutClass),
	fn mainRollout = rollout main "Main" width:200 height:200
		subrollout sub height:120
	fn subRolloutA = rollout subA "Sub A"
		label lb "Sub Rollout A"
	fn subRolloutB = rollout subB "Sub B"
		label lb "Sub Rollout B"
	fn create show:on =
		if show do createDialog main
	fn show = if isRollout main do
		createDialog main
	fn addSub sub = if isRollout main and isRollout sub do
		addSubRollout main.sub sub
	fn removeSub sub = if isRollout main and isRollout sub do
		removeSubRollout main.sub sub
	fn close = if isRollout main do
		destroydialog main
myDialog = TheDialog()
-- #1
myDialog.addSub myDialog.subA
-- #2
myDialog.addSub myDialog.subB
-- #3
myDialog.removeSub myDialog.subA
-- #4
-- #5

Thank you, I finally got it working but it took some deciphering since you didn’t really explain the script you posted.

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i don’t explain the code. ask questions, i will answer. you asked for code, i gave it. if you want to use it try to understand how it works.