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[Closed] Add subrollout in array?
Feb 05, 2020 2:06 am
Hey there!
I’m looking for a way to add all my subrollouts in array in order to have access to their width, position, ect. easily.
I tried something like this:
subrollout subrollout_test width:78 height:63
then I used addRollout function to add them all to a rollout named MASTER_Rollout. Now I have access to my subrollouts position/width, etc easily:
MASTER_rollout.test.width for example.
but is there a way to print the position of all my subrollouts? like in a array, what I’m looking for is something like this:
for i = 1 to MASTER_rollout.count do
print MASTER_rollout[i].pos
thank you